Another day, Another post

So far on target with my New Year’s goal. I happen to think that is genius for day two. Of course, I’ve probably lost my subscribers because they are already sick of my constant dribble of posts, updates, and tweets.

Have I?

Are you still there? ~there~there~there~?

Anyway, I am not posting this at midnight since tomorrow is back to work day (noooo!).

Tonight is also the last night of Jason’s birthday weekend. I am taking my man out for sushi. Then hopefully home to watch his new movie (which happens to be one of my favorites), Inception, gee wonder who bought it for him?

It’s been a wonderful 2011. I feel exuberated with life and creativity. I know I will be talking to myself on this blog more. People are busy. People have lives. People can’t come by every day. I TOTALLY get that and do not blame you. I LOVE your comments and if you can leave one – GREAT – if not I still appreciate your support. I cherish your visits whenever they are.

My other goal of the new year is progressing my photography. I am working to learn more of the technical side; camera, business, and photoshop (I got CS5 for Christmas).

I have joined my wedding photographer Bella Lucia Photography on a 365 Project. She created a Flickr group and I have joined the group, pledged to post, and even added my Flickr account to a side widget on my blog. The goal is to post a picture taken that day – EVERY day. I know this (also) won’t be an easy task to keep up with, but again, the goal is to use my talents and grow them.

2011 a year of growth.

My third goal is working on my insides (to outsides). More on that later, but it starts with eating healthier. Period.

I bought a large bag of frozen chicken breasts to steam and eat for lunch starting Monday. I will join the masses (and Jason too) losing weight (We added the loseit app on our iPhones)(it’s really cool!!).

Here is my Day 2 submission for the 365 project.

The best part of my day.

17 thoughts on “Another day, Another post

  1. Frozen chicken breasts are awesome! They’re quick to fix, take away hunger, and are so good for you.

    We’ll help each other out…the carbs are what’s hard for me. The carbs.

    Happy New Year!


  2. Sweetie, things are slow all over! I have been hanging out with my Kindle and my lounge chair, with the two dogs in my lap. It has been wicked cold here, and I have had to open the doors under the sink to keep the pipes from freezing! I have been BUTT LAZY for the last two days.
    Actually, I thought about Sue when I was writing my Saturday Centus. I have never been through rehab, but I hear it is a wooly booger!
    Tomorrow, I will actually get up and put on regular clothes and put my pajamas and robe in the washer!
    I’ll check up on you then. Thanks for the nice comment on my post!


  3. I’m here too! **waving furiously from this side of the states** I love the picture. The way the cup reflects on the side of the coffeemaker. And I’m so proud of all your resolutions. I’m going for the weight thing too. Let’s see how that goes! WE can do this!


  4. I’m still here!!! I’ve just been away with all the holidays.

    Good luck on posting every day… so far, so good! I’ll be glad if I can keep up with one post a week! 🙂

    Happy new year, friend! I can’t wait to see all the lovely photos you take throughout the year. You’re really finding yourself in your photography.


  5. Hi, I’m here. I’m also doing a post a day challenge and was thinking the exact same thing over at my blog. Wonderful picture. Love the angle, reflection and dark vs. light composition – perfect for a b&w shot. This coffee pot is my life, btw. (I got it at my shower and I still love it!) Mine is older and yours has snazzy dials but I’d recognize it anywhere. Good luck with your projects.


  6. runrettarun

    Good luck on your 365 project. You will kick much ass. Coffee is also the most important part of my day. Oh yeah and the kids and The Lover. I guess I should count them too. 😉


  7. I think sometimes I might just post a “I am here.” so you know I was here. :-O

    Wow! I was wondering what Kellene’s “365” was. I’ve seen it mentioned a couple of times but keep forgetting (I get so distracted) to look it up. I have a bloggey friend that did it for the month of December. I was thinking of doing it for a month, but the entire year! WOW! I think there would end up being a lot of pictures of my cat! A LOT!

    Steamed chicken? Hmmm? I don’t think I have ever thought of that. Good for you for working towards being healthier. That is really what it is about. Being healthy!!!!!

    I think I am going to call you the Queen of Reflections. You often catch such good relections. I loved that one of Sydney in the oven — I forgot what post it was one, but I remember the picture.



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