Weekly Photo Challenge: Light

So many things to say about light.

Light of the world.

Light of my life.

Warm, bright, and cheerful.

So many ways to interpret light.

Observing, feeling, and seeking.

Light evokes emotions, thoughts, and desires.

Light lives, breathes, and dies.

But why say anything about light when you can see it’s brilliance in so many ways……..

Street Lights
A simple street lamp. A star.

Heart Light
A glowing heart. Love.

Neon Sign
A neon sign. A beacon of hospitality satisfying and full. Comfort in a dark night.

A gentle glimpse of soft light in shadow.

Lake Marble Falls
Flowing action. Fluid movement. The wind chases the light. The light chases the day.

A static charge in a dark sky. To light the path in happy colors.

Illumination. A simple beauty in color and style.

Golden Reflection
A golden path. A hazy hillside bathed in heaven’s reflection.

Lake Sunset
Sunset. The last breath of sun. The end of a dying day. A sigh. A whisper. A goodnight.

Glorious light fitted with so many shades and tones. Can you feel it?

I think light is contagious and it’s thrilling to share it in this weekly photo challenge from The Daily Post at WordPress.

May light shine in and around you today, and always. Happy Monday!

26 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge: Light

  1. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Light (via Living, Loving, Laughing…..) « Change is Never Ending

  2. Stunning examples in your photos of Light – with a capital “L”. One of my favorite spiritual phrases is one that is said at a funeral: “May the Perpetual Light shine upon him” – it always makes me cry, but I love it because it speaks to the Light as God. A terrific Monday post for me on a gray morning!


  3. runrettarun

    So pretty! My heart jumped out of my chest when I saw the green palm trees. I thought they were grasshoppers. Hate those things!


  4. You’re such an incredible photographer Angelia! These pictures are absolutely beautiful and I love seeing the world through your unique and amazing viewpoint. Thanks for sharing.



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