The Fontanini Nativity Scene

Shepherds stood watch in the fields.

Merchants in town were busy.

And Jesus lay in a popsicle stick cradle.

This is the story we reenacted with the Fontanini Manger set.

First you find an empty manger.

Then you gather the town.

You carefully place the merchants and shops.

Don’t forget the fields. Psst…on the staircase.

Where the Shepherds keep watch.

It wasn’t easy back in the day Jesus was born.

And we have to be very specific to play place all the ware correctly.

It’s a tough job, but part of what Christmas is all about.

The details.

Like working a spindle.

And keeping an eye out for Angels.

Tending to The Baby.

Shopping at the stores.

And keeping the riff raff out of the Manger. Hey…..who let the elephant in there??

Telling the story is one of the best parts of Christmas. Whether it’s in play, in books, or in the heart.

Don’t you think?

13 thoughts on “The Fontanini Nativity Scene

  1. Wow you have the entire village!
    We have a manger that my dad made from popsicle sticks.
    Then my dog got his head stuck in it after my kid put a dog treat in it.
    There have also been GI Joes spotted in there.


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