Weekly Photo Challenge: Distorted

The following images were taken in downtown Chicago, IL. I hopped a flight Saturday morning and spent a little over 24hours there (most of it at the airport) and more on that later.

It was a “working” trip, not a personal one. I was usually trailing the group stopping to quickly snap away. I love downtowns….any downtowns. I think it’s from growing up in the country. We didn’t have tall buildings. We didn’t have sidewalks, or trains. I didn’t see things like this very often. And even now, living in a big city between Dallas and Fort Worth. I pass downtown every day and I am still amazed.

Me in a distorted view at a hotel lobby.

I hope to post more about my quick trip soon.

Enjoy the day.

25 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge: Distorted

  1. Great photos! There is so much interesting architecture out there, you could spend weeks just wandering around a big city taking pictures of the buildings.


  2. Love the photos, especially that top one. I grew up mostly in rural areas and small towns. I love seeing pictures of big downtowns, but I get a little claustrophobic feeling when I actually visit places where all those big buildings are right on top of each other like that. Glad you had a good time.


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