Leaving on a Jet Plane

Ready to fly.

Remember about a month ago when I said I was preparing to fly to Chicago and go through the lovely x-ray machines? Remember that?

Well, it didn’t happen. Chicago got its first snow of the year and although my flight from DFW would have been fine (although late). Several other parties were completely canceled and there was not another option until the next day. Which is fine if you are going to Chicago for more than 24hrs, but sadly we were not. Therefore, they rescheduled the group and tomorrow is the BIG day!

This trip is work-related, but not working…….not exactly (?) working….

You see, long ago, in a far away land, travel agents used to go on what they call familiarization trips. A tour company would pay for your air, hotel, meals, transportation, and tours, on trip to wherever they service, to get you familiar with the place and the hotels, tours, and services. They paid for IT ALL. Then you knew what they offered. You knew the set-up and you could send clients that way because of your familiarization. Brilliant, right?

Well, they don’t do that anymore. Not free any way and certainly not for business travel agents. BUT this Chicago trip is as close as it gets.

We will be visiting American Airlines at O’Hare airport. We will be touring a few planes, and the American Executive Center. Then we will get to visit several hotels in downtown Chicago that are part of the Kimpton Brands.

And all set up (for free) to stay in one.

Image by Google

Free air on American Airlines, free hotel room stay, meals, and airport tour. It’s a fam trip! I get to see Chicago (which I’ve never seen) and learn about the products I sell. It’s a win-win. Except, it’s only for a night, and not a whole week. Not to mention bitterly cold, but I will probably get to see snow, and it might be the only snow I see all year.

Soooooooo…… I am excited! I am packed. I am ready to go.

The only bad thing (the worst thing!) is my flight at 525am. LEAVES the airport at 525am. Yeah, 3am is going to come awfully early. But hey, I can sleep on the airplane, riiiiiight?

Be sure to follow my Tweets for all the exciting details. I am going to go all Wil Wheaton when I get there – CHICAGO I AM IN YOU. I just love him.