Weekly Photo Challenge: Renewal

I’ve wanted to post about this area for some time. It’s called The Bishop Arts District, located in Oak Cliff, Texas. This is just a tad to the southwest of downtown Dallas. They have several art mural projects for 7th street and Oak Cliff.

I find these art murals completely fascinating.

One is to raise money for local artists, and the other is to beautify the walls with graffiti designed to show something more….

A more beautiful place to look at.

A more dedicated community to the arts.

A more giving use of talents, and outstanding vision from these local creators.

A wonderful, and artistic display which varies from children to adults.

It is as impressive as it sounds.

I ventured to this area to capture the wall art. But, I realized something……these murals are not just eye candy. They are a renewal. A renewal for a plain wall, to go from drab, to fab. A creative, and colorful endeavor that spreads cheer throughout the neighborhood.

My hope is you enjoy them as much as me. Aren’t they amazing? A real photographic trip. Heh!

Click on any photo to enlarge and display a gallery slide show.

Want more renewal? Check out The Daily Post on WordPress for this week’s Renewal Photo Challange.

Do you have an arts neighborhood?