Word-ish Wednesday

It’s all about happy times this last week. Lots of joys, birth milestones, and appreciation for the family we have – by birth, by marriage, by choice. Here are some of my memories frozen for your viewing pleasure (and yes, I still loooove my camera).

Sydney’s Doll Cake.

Morning of her 16th birthday – the most emotional birthday for me, so far.

Something about being two years from 18. I’m told it only gets better from here. That is really comforting to know.

A pinata for a six year old.

Water slide extraordinaire making a splash on her birthday.

Swimming end of April…….only in Texas.

Molly, I hope you never change, stay sweet and funny. Love the look. This will be a great blackmail pic. HA.

Giving thanks for this mom for giving birth to my future husband (on the left), for being Grandma of two amazing little girls (and the many other gorgeous grandchilden), and for giving so much of her heart to her family. You are beautiful inside and out. You can be proud of the family you created.

A Mom and her miracle baby, Mother’s Day 2010.

It’s all about joy my friends. If you don’t have it, get it. If you get it, share it.

Happy Wednesday!