Blog no Evil

Says the three wise monkeys.

Mizaru and Sydney.

Okay, they really say, “See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.” The embodiment of a proverbial principle to live by. A fourth monkey, not depicted, but sometimes seen crossing his arms, “do no evil”.

The main meaning of these is not, “no monkey business”. But rather, be of good mind, good spirit, and action. Speak with good intentions. Since we are in the blogworld, I could go as far as saying, “blog no evil”, and pen that phrase. Heh. I’ll let you find the monkey.

“My task—which I am trying to achieve—is by the power of the written word to make you hear, to make you feel. It is, before all, to make you see.”

-Joseph Conrad

My writing is not to tear someone down, or call someone out. My writing is to help others see and feel good things. Maybe within yourself, or maybe within your life. That said, I am not a life coach, nor do I have any professional experience. No studies in psychology. I just love people. I love our differences, and how we can pull together to rally for someone who needs encouragement, or prayer. How we can celebrate those differences; in terms of life style, culture, or country.

My purpose is to always find the blessing and to speak from the heart. I may not always say the right things, or live the right way, but I do try. Many, many years I lived in a dark place. It was the closest to evil I have ever been, and until you’ve seen it, felt it, and lived it – it’s hard to understand the good. The true good of spirit and life. I feel like I have glimpsed the dark side, and that enables me to see the light in a different way.

But I fail.

We all fail.

Hopefully, you have someone to brush you off when you do. When I get down, or discouraged, it’s really nice to know you are there. I appreciate you all so much.

Whatever place you are in right now, I hope you find that bit of peace to know there is good in the world, despite all the evil. Someone loves you, every part of you, good and bad.

My pledge is to blog no evil, and write of only positive, honest life. Life being lived with the best of intentions, and life being learned, for how else are we supposed to grow. Life in the past and in the present. Even in the worst of times, I can usually see the good.

Will I succeed? Maybe not, but it’s something to live by blog by.

If all else fails, I’ll just stick my finger in the monkey’s mouth, like Bridget did in the back. That’ll show em’! Haha

A Thank you to My Valentine

Dear Valentine,

You surprised me, yet again, with your thoughtfulness and care.

Valentine’s Day really crept up on me. With all the snow storms and flight problems…the long days. Finishing work a half hour late just to take care of customers. Valentine’s Day was the last thing on my mind.

But you didn’t forget.

We had talked about not making it a big deal. Not like the party the year before with the girls – we didn’t have the girls this year. The fun and child delight just wasn’t there.

But the simple sweetness you provided anyway? Divine.

You most definitely surprised me with your gifts. I am reminded of your love, not just on Valentine’s Day, but every day before and after.

The beautiful card was the heart stopper.

I am typically used to not be a crier on sappy cards. In fact, I prided myself on my hard little heart and cynical ways. But you……you knocked down my outer crust. You broke the mold.

I cried reading your words to me, not because of sadness, but because of the great joy you fill my soul with. The security and peace you fill my heart with, your constant loyal ways. Besides who else can I text at 3am after I have had a vivid dream of dying? You are my faithful sponsor in every way.

How could YOU not be deserving of ME? I am not deserving of you. Thank you sweet Valentine. It is my desire to cherish you always, from the depths of my heart, I love you. 10-10-10