Snowpocalypse 2011: Coming to a Superbowl near you.

It’s here! (well, almost)

Apocalypse Snow Storm

The weather map at current posting time shows the beginning nibbles of a HONGRY snow! It’s coming to storm your town and make history!

Like our Snowpocalypse last year, remember that?

Yes, it really happened. We made history last year February 2010 - 12 1/2 inches in twenty-four hours in North Central Texas (Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex).

I think there will be records that eat that one for breakfast, right Chicago?

Anyway, I have properly stocked up on Chocolate Cherrios, Little Debbie Oatmeal Pies, and those mini chocolate donuts (don’t judge).

I eagerly watch the temperature thermometer like a TJ Maxx opening day sale. Drop, drop, drop.

It’s not just for a snow day…..really! I want it to freeze BEFORE I go to work. I do not want my “fiction” story to be based on actual events.

It’s all highway bridges through downtown Fort Worth, and no…….the sand truck won’t help. See they misjudge here, they are not sand/salt road experts. They prematurely sand the streets (wet). It freezes. SOLID. It’s really unhelpful. They may realize their mistake and sand again, but with three trucks? It could take a while. In the meantime, the cars will mount up on the incline of the bridges, unable to reach the top, and begin sliding BACKWARDS (while spinning out) right into where your car is sitting with cars behind you. See what I am saying? It’s ice bumper cars (I’m talking to you Wisconsin-Pittsburgh Superbowl visitors).

Yes, a master can drive on slick streets, on sanded streets even, but not here. Mkay?

Stay inside. Eat your oatmeal pies. Grab an icicle lollipop, and make some snow cream. It’s Party Snowpocalypse 2011.

And if it gets too much, too cold, too brittle, too dark, too desperate and you run out of oatmeal pies? Just think happy beach thoughts. The power of positive thinking, yes?

A beach day-dream in winter.
Bridget- Galveston Beach – November 2010