Standing at the Sea – Point Loma, California

“For whatever we lose (like a you or a me)
it’s always ourselves we find in the sea.”
– e.e. cummings

Day 2 – part 1 1/2

Just down the road from the National Cemetery is the Old Point Loma Lighthouse overlooking the cliff tide pools.

These pictures don’t do it justice. There is so much more than the view.

It’s the mood of a harsh land beaten by the Pacific.

Flock of Seagulls (ha)

It’s the sounds of sea life as they call from overhead.

It’s the crashing punch when a swelling wave meets the rocky shore.

Then, above it all is the Old Point Loma Lighthouse.

Old Point Loma Lighthouse

Built in 1855, it was placed 422 ft above the sea, between the Gulf of San Diego and the great Pacific Ocean. At the time, placing it high seemed a good idea. A beacon for all the sailors. It was quickly discovered a place so high had issues with fog obscuring the light (whoops!).

Old Point Loma Lighthouse

Unfortunately, it was only a working lighthouse for 30 years because of that little blunder. It has been restored it to its original 1800’s condition, inside and out. Jason and I both have a love for lighthouses and this was the first I have ever toured.

Old Point Loma Lighthouse

I was not disappointed.

Old Point Loma Lighthouse

The house is small; four rooms and the light is not tall. There is a spiral staircase to the top.

Old Point Loma Lighthouse

At the top of Old Point Loma Lighthouse

And the view?

Lighthouse Walkway


Sailboat in San Diego Harbor

Of course, in the 1800’s, it wasn’t the same as now. No busy harbor, and no downtown San Diego.

Downtown San Diego

And certainly, no Coastguard helicopters.

Coastguard Helicopter

Just the little lighthouse…..

Old Point Loma Lighthouse

And the many ocean views….

View from the Old Lighthouse

So, I still want to live in a lighthouse, even an 1800’s one, preferably on the Pacific Ocean, but I am not picky.

Old Point Loma Lighthouse

One of the new lighthouse’s is pretty spiffy too, and they even used the grounds for the movie, Top Gun.

New Point Loma Lighthouse

So what do you think? Do you want to live in a lighthouse? Have you been to Point Loma?

Hanging at the Harbor – Dana Point, California

Dana Point, our very first stop after landing in Orange County.

I had been to Dana Point before, somewhere around thirteen years ago. The cliffs and the harbor stood out in my memory, along with the Pirate ship they had on display. I had to see if it was like I remembered it, or how much it had changed.

Overlooking Dana Point Harbor

We first glimpsed the harbor from the street we were lost on driving on. This was, also, our first look at the Pacific this trip. Ahhh! The great deep beyond of the Pacific waters. I could stare at them forever.

Hillside view of the Pacific.

Dana Point is a little nugget tucked away from Orange County on the way to San Diego. It’s beach and harbor are surrounded by hills. It took quite a few turns (with GPS) to get us to this little gem of a destination.

Dana Point Sign.

But we did find it. I think we followed a surf board (and a sign).


We got to the harbor.


We got to the beach.



It was as lovely as I remember it. This time I wasn’t as in awe of the cliffs and ocean, as much as I was the endless boats. I had my boat picked out, the name christened, and I was ready to sail away.

I probably need to move to California first, heh.

We had a nice lunch next to the harbor highway. We watched the boats big and small parading in and out of entrance. We enjoyed a crisp 68-degree day that was (literally) heaven on earth after the scorching 110 in Dallas.

The flowers were not withered and brown, but a colorful display to the eye.




At the very end of the harbor, I found the Pirate Ship in the same place as it was before. It looked a lot newer. I believe they do cruises, or something. It was straight out of a movie cool.

Sailing Ship at Dana Point Harbor

The walk back down the harbor was just as delightful, except for my slippery sandals.

We took it slow to take it all in (and get sunburnt our first day). Looking all around and up at the hillside, I see beautiful palm trees and gorgeous homes.

Hillside Palm above Dana Point Harbor


Back by the beach, there is tons of surf board paddlers and children at play.


The wall surrounding the beach had hand-made tiles designed by children. I didn’t find the story behind who they were or why they decorated the beach walk, but they were very crafty and unique. I definitely felt the charm they added to Dana Point.


I took lots and lots and lots of harbor photos.

Dana Point Harbor
Dana Point Harbor, Dana Point, California, 2011

When we finally left, we stopped back at the first place we came to, and I took more pictures of the view.

Hillside view of the Pacific at Dana Point.


Speedboat and Sailboat in Dana Point, CA

And Again….

Pacific View from Dana Point, CA

And again….

The view is amazing. And guess what? A wedding was about to take place.

Wedding on hillside of Dana Point, CA

I totally creeped on it. We waited, and waited for the bride – maybe behind a tree with my camera – but she didn’t show. Not even after we saw all the bridesmaids. We finally gave up. I hope she made it. The groom was looking a little worried.

So we said good-bye to the view……


And took off for our next destination.

It’s going to take me awhile to post all the places we went to. Hope you don’t mind LOTS more.

So far, it’s been day one, ha.


I am uploading all the photographs to my photography Facebook page before I post them on the blog. If you like sneak peeks, be sure to “Like” and “Look”. Angelia’s Photography Fan Page.

Thanksgiving Part Two

As a child of divorce, I am used to multiple Thanksgivings. That is, and was, a way of life. A way of the holidays. You had Thanksgiving dinner with Mom at Papa’s house and then you had it with Dad at Granny’s, either later that day, or another day of the weekend.

When my sister became a grown up, we made trips with her and her husband to my Grandma’s house on her dad’s side of the family (which was not my dad but still family to me) to Colorado. She would drive her three younger siblings (me and my brothers) all the way from Oklahoma through Kansas blizzards to get to Thanksgiving at Grandma’s every year. My sister must have really loved Thanksgiving to go through ALL that. We were three extremely obnoxious and bratty kids (okay, it was mainly me), point is….she loooves Thanksgiving.

This year after our Thanksgiving with Sue – who is OUT OF THE HOSPITAL AND HOME.

I’ll wait while you do the happy chicken dance, then you can finish this post – CLAP! CLAP! CLAP! CLAP!

Okay, we headed from Dallas to Houston for Thanksgiving part two at my sister’s house with her new blended family (she got married in June).

This was only the second time we took a long road trip with the girls (I swore I’d never do it again). We came prepared; car Bingo and iPhones. Come to find out we didn’t need the car bingo. The teen slept most of the way. Molly had iPhone #1 (dad’s) and Bridget had iPhone #2 (dad’s old iPhone). Sydney had hers (when awake) and I had mine (with newly bought Family Feud app) and we were all happy happy happy.

The trip went GREAT! Seriously, we were there before I knew it – five hours later (if only the trip back went so well – 5 1/2 hours – but never mind that).

My big sister’s house smelled like Thanksgivings past. She used the seasonings my step dad always used filling my nostrils with nostalgia. It was wonderful and precious and so, so, so, so GOOD. She made my favorite chocolate pie and I was in heaven.

My sister’s family

My big sis (by 9 years) – Deedy. She is smiling and cooking, often wears an apron and spoils my little step-daughters to death (said she was practicing for when she had granddaughters). Excellent job sister!

Man in most of the pictures next to her – Roger. He is my sister’s new husband. He has two daughters Leighann and Chelsea.

Oldest daughter of Roger – Chelsea. She is a special needs child, and doesn’t vocally speak, but she signs to communicate. She is VERY smart (and funny), plays guitar, and loves to model for the camera. I adore all her pictures. And? I even learned a few signs.

Youngest daughter of Roger – Leighann. She plays the piano and loves her big sister. That is pretty incredible for a thirteen-year old. She could be a sister to Molly and Bridget with her coloring.

Oldest daughter of Deedy – Eryn. She is the gorgeous dark haired girl in a few of the pictures. She lives with her husband Luke (in the ball cap). She is the oldest grandchild on our side of the family. She is in school to be a Physical Therapist. We are so proud of her.

Oldest son of Deedy – Gabe in college and lives on his own. Not pictured, but his girlfriend Britanny was there for dinner and she is a sweetheart.

The next morning we went to the beach in Galveston. The girls were supposed to barely get their feet wet. Well…..oops. Molly is like an ocean goddess. She turns into this matrix dancing queen splashing in the surf. It’s amazing, but a little messy. Luckily, we had a change of pants.

After picking up shells, running through the waves, and being thoroughly sandified and oceanified. We went to ride the Galveston ferry. Which? Is a State Highway; in other words – free.

It was a gorgeous sunny day. Perfect weather. We couldn’t have asked for anything more, except extra time. We had to head back less than 24 hours after our arrival. Life. It happens. But Thanksgiving part two was definitely worth the trip (even with the ride home and I’m not going there).

My favorite picture out of the 341 (possessed by Nikon- I know) – this one.

Seagulls eat Thanksgiving lunch.

Too bad the kids had eaten half the bag already.

We want more Cheetos!

Feel Good Friday

I saw this meme a few weeks ago over at Erika’s place and I just fell in love with it. Happy I can do, and I promised, I would take part one day soon.

Now…… *drumroll please*……’s time.

I’m a little torn between writing about what really, really makes me happy or the five things that make me happiest this week. Well, since I can throw the really, really happy thing into my five things – I am going with that, and yes, I am ONLY listing FIVE things. HA.

  • The freeway. I know. What the heck? Well, for the last two years I have driven a beautiful three lane street with lots of traffic lights. It was like driving Miss Daisy suburban style. Zoom. Zoom. Stop. Zoom. Zoom. Road rage on your bumper. Stop. In two years, I hit all green lights (6 miles) once. That was pretty cool, but now I drive the freeway to work. It’s all go, all the time (on accident-free days). I go against the traffic and it’s not very often an accident clogs up the road. I LOVE IT. I just get to drive and it helps me think and prepare for my day. Then, at the end of the day, it helps me to wind down. Something about not stopping and starting and just letting the freeway roll away all the stresses. It is my meditation.
  • I cleaned Jason’s house. Not just dust, but I mean I cleaned out drawers and stuff. Feeling at home much? Do you know what was so wonderful about cleaning and making space? I was nesting. I was finally preparing my home. That meant a lot to me, to reach that place of peace and love, where I know I belong. Finally!
  • TV this week. I rarely watch “live” TV. But I found myself folding laundry at my new soon-to-be home watching America’s Got Talent and Last Comic Standing on Tuesday night. I had NO idea I could laugh that loud. Thank goodness Jason was in class and Sydney was in Mississippi, or they would have thought me MAD. HA HA HA HA HA! (oops, that was kinda loud)
  • Cooking chicken in the rice steamer. Oh joy! It’s truly the little things with me. I SWEAR, I am terrible at cooking. I’m a-skeerd. Especially, of cooking chicken, and not getting it cooked all the way, and then getting sick. PLUS, I had never used the rice cooker before. Had no idea how to use it. Gee, I know it’s not rocket science. Cooking is just not my thing. But I did it. I googled a recipe and made nice garlic seasoned chicken breasts steamed in some water and olive oil. It was incredibly delicious and you know what? I’m proud of myself. Yay.
  • My last FAVORITE happy moment of the week and includes my happiest moment/place of all time. THE BEACH. Any beach will do and we just happened by Galveston on Sunday. Now, Galveston is not my favorite, but it will do in a pinch. I could sit and watch the ocean, hear the waves, feel the sun on my skin, with toes dug in the sand EVERY day. In my former life, I was a mermaid. I just know it. It’s home. It fills me up. This visit was more special than just a regular trip, since it was the little girls first time to wade into the ocean and revel in all it’s beauty play in the surf. I think it’s safe to say, they might have been mermaids too.

Please enjoy my happy day with my mom, Jason, and the girls, as we re-visit our Sunday – on the beach.