Sushi Night Delight

Friday, Friday, Friday!!!!

Could there be a happier day???

Well maybe a Friday with an amazing man who loves me? Or a Friday with an amazing man who loves me & wants to go eat Sushi?

So, it has become a little tradition, once or twice a month Jason & I meet after work for Sushi on Friday night to kick off the weekend. I soooo look forward to those Friday nights. It’s constant tingles of sheer pricks of joy all day long. Happyhappyjoyjoy. Waiting & anticipating sitting at the Sushi bar & enjoying wonderful freshly made fish for our eating pleasure. Mmmmmmmmmmmm.

I must explain that I was not always a Sushi fan. In fact, not a Sushi fan at all. I had actually never even HEARD of Sushi , much less eaten it. When I moved to Texas, from podunk Oklahoma, I met a girl named Trisha who LOVED Sushi. I even went with her one time, but I ate soup & drank Japanese beer. No Sushi for this country girl.

Years & years & years later, I would meet a man who loves Sushi. (sigh) So , I decided I should at least try this man’s passion. At least once , right??? I mean you can’t eat chicken fried steak & potatoes every day.

So together we ventured to Sushi Zone. For him, it’s a place like the bar Cheers, every Sushi chef knows his name. I was VERY nervous. I had no idea if I could hold the chopsticks right. I had no idea if I could choke down a piece of raw fish. I certainly didn’t want to embarrass him.

There is something about a Sushi bar that evokes , dignity & poise, well that is just so NOT me (heh). I felt very clumsy. But I managed, with some Saki, not to totally crash & burn. *on occasion I do drop my piece of fish off the chopstick in my soy sauce*whoops*slippery little sucker* Jason never seems too mortified by my lack of Sushi class.

I came out of that experience VERY proud of myself. I tried something I had never tried before, nor would I have, EVER wanted to try. And guess what? I liked it. I really really liked it. Yes, even the pieces of fish that have the (blech) skin on them. I can close my eyes to eat those.

May you try something new today and never be afraid to step outside your box. Because, well, you just never know.

Happy Friday!

3 thoughts on “Sushi Night Delight

  1. Pingback: Highlights of my Year – 2009 « Living, Loving, Laughing…..

  2. I love love love sushi! In my circle of friends and even beyond I am the sushi woman! I have introduced many a friend to the wonders and yumminess of all things sushi! Sounds like a heavenly tradition.

    Found you through SITS – have a wonderful day.


  3. Pingback: Sunday Post: My favorite Spot « Living, Loving, Laughing, Snapping…..

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