Christmas in a Snow Globe

It happened……again!

I can’t say it is the first time the Dallas/Fort Worth area experienced snow on Christmas, because guess what? A few years ago, snow gently tumbled into Cowtown just in time for the big day. It made Christmas Eve, and Christmas morning so beautiful……I was moved to write a poem about my Christmas Dream it inspired.

That year marked my very first white Christmas that I can remember since moving to Texas – twenty, or so years ago. You might say….I have been deprived. And perhaps, that is why Old Man Winter granted me another – a mere three years later. And this time, I have my camera with me. And honestly, I am perfectly content to watch the kids stomp in, and out of the house. Eyes bright, and cheeks red as they warm their hands in front of the portable heater only to beg, and plead, to return outside – five minutes later.

I look through the window at the falling snowflakes – tumbling, swirling, and drifting. Mom, husbands, and sister-in-laws chatter about life while glancing out the windows in time to see a child’s back dash from a flying snowball. Shrieks and giggles ensue.

I am heavy, and stuffed from turkey, ham, and the best sweet potato casserole in the whole universe. I enjoy this relaxed view, observing, rather than partaking in any fun outside with no coat or gloves. Did I mention it wasn’t snowing or super cold when we left for Grandma’s house?


As I was saying…toasty and happy, I have no problem keeping my feet dry inside the house while waiting to dive into the wondrous desserts of CHOCOLATE PIE (my fave!), and many other goods – iced sugar cookies from scratch, cheesecake, pumpkin pie.

Utterly and totally satisfied……..until I saw her……

© Angelia's Photography

And once I saw her, I couldn’t NOT see her.

© Angelia's Photography

With her bowl of snow, and her cherub cheeks. She practically begged me to come take her photo.

So…I did.

I grabbed a plastic bag, made a hole for my lens, and out I went. No coat. No gloves.

© Angelia's Photography

And it was wonderful.

The more I looked. The more I saw.

© Angelia's Photography

The more I saw. The more I had to take.

© Angelia's Photography

There was something about them…….all covered in snow.

© Angelia's Photography

Reverent in their crystal white setting.

I venture to all parts of the yard – front, back, and side – looking at every thing I can find transformed by the wintry atmosphere.

I guess I got carried away.

But having wet feet and cold fingers is absolutely worth it.

© Angelia's Photography

In the end, my little wonderland adventure got me some great prints for my mom-in-law of her snow-white garden(Christmas present next year?).

And the chocolate pie for dessert? Tasted even better.

Hope you all had a very Merry and wonderful Christmas.

Did you have a white one, too?

35 thoughts on “Christmas in a Snow Globe

  1. Congrats on the white Christmas!! We had a mini snow fall here in MD on Christmas eve and then another mini one the day after. In my 33 years I can only remember having some snow around Christmas day twice. Hope you are enjoying your holiday season!


  2. Wet and cold fingers and toes was certainly worth it to come back with these inspiring images. Great job!
    No snow here along the SC coast. Freezing though. Temps to only get to mid 50sF today. 😯 😉


  3. There’s just something magical about snow, isn’t there? We’re getting our first real snow storm in two years (which is bizarre, since I live in Vermont, but it’s been a weird weather sequence!) I LOVE snow!


  4. jenfbs

    I wanted a white Christmas SOOOO badly! I’m glad you got one so I can enjoy your pictures and hope we get some snow soon…praying praying praying….


  5. Sue

    Angelia, Thank you so much!!! These are lovely. Your talent is amazing! I really enjoyed looking out the window and seeing the snow cover the braches . You know how much I love the angels and my Jesus fountain. Thanks again for a terrific job. You are great and I am blessed to have you for a daughter-in-law! Lots of love!


  6. No, and I am totally ok with that. I like to LOOK at PICTURES of snow. I don’t need to experience it. We did have a rainy Christmas. But it was not so DARK and STORMY as it was over the weekend. Glad you felt blessed by the snow!


  7. Beautiful photos! What fun to go out and see things in a new way. I think that is one of the greatest joys of having a camera, and you do wonderful things with yours! Happy for your white Christmas – bet the girls loved it! 🙂


  8. Yaaaaaaaaaay…I’m so glad you posted photos of the snow you got, Angelia, because as you know….I LOVE snow!!! We didn’t get nearly as much as you did in Texas, but we got some on Christmas Eve and then more the day after Christmas. This weekend, we’re supposed to get much more. Yipeeeeeeee!

    And Angelia, these photos are faaaaaaaaaaaaabulous!

    The ones of the snow-covered angles are just beautiful. Simply, BEAUTIFUL!

    Thanks so much for sharing. This post put a huge smile on my face 🙂



  9. Great photos Angelia. Sounds like you and your family had a lovely Christmas. We did not have a white one in San Diego but a wet one we had in the form of much needed rain, with some lovely sunshine in the afternoon. Happy New Year to you!


  10. pattisj

    What nice garden sculptures. They do look lovely with a frosting of snow. You probably burned off enough calories out there in the cold to eat all the dessert you wanted. 🙂 That would make a nice gift, I would think.


  11. You brought us into a beautiful Winter wonderland that shows that magic exist during this season. You opened your eyes and eyes to the miracles around you and they glowed in the most wonderful way through your images. Merry Christmas.


  12. Our Christmas snowfall arrived 24 hours late but we enjoyed it nevertheless. I was driving hither and yon doing errands instead of capturing the beauty with my camera as you did. Thanks for sharing your wintry moments.


  13. Momma Diddy

    Love those snowy pic! Aww, I missed snow so so so much… Too bad we don’t get a chance to see them, unless we book and flight to the Korea (the nearest snow country). Great to read about snowy blog, as it freshen up my old memories. Happy new year to you and your lovely family.


  14. I love her! Whenever I see a representation of an angel I always think of the people in my life that I’ve lost. Beautiful pics Ang, well worth the effort, right? Thank you for sharing your winter with me since mine is just shorter days and bigger waves.


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