When They Hurt, I Hurt

I have four beautiful daughters. One is my blood, two are step, and one is grand.

All my Girls - 2018

There is something to be said about being a mother and having children. All the sudden your heart is walking outside your body. You will do anything to protect them – from heartbreak, disappointment, loss, fear, and confusion. This need to cover them from darkness is so fierce it’s hard.

So hard to let them go and watch them understand the ways of the world – some of the worst ways. The super hard ways. How people will disappoint them. Friends will turn on them. Troubles will come and go. When there are rights and wrongs, there is indifference too. Some whys we will never understand.

Your heart explodes because they are learning the way you learned. The hard way. The harsh way. The people will let you down way.

And I still want to fight for them. So what if the world can be cruel. I am still on their side. I will fight when they are hurt. When they hurt, I hurt.

My bonus girls are now 12 and 14.

Sisters - 2018

I know. I know. Just yesterday they were 2 and 4. So wittle. So chubby. So very magical. And now they are dang near grown. No more chub chub cheeks or a thousand questions. But still my kids. So you know what I mean when I say I don’t want them to hurt. This is the age when the hard truth of adulthood starts to slap them around a bit. Junior High and High School? Talk about waking up from being an innocent kid. Those are the years!

And this December was another harsh jar to their childhood. Their mother disappeared for 30 days. She did not tell the girls much. She only talked to my husband. I heard her say, “It sucks. It’s bad timing.” But that’s it. No I am sorry. No forgive me. No explanation to the girls other than she was in the “hospital”. She wasn’t. We knew that from reverse number look up. But no way to tell the girls about that. It’s not our place especially since we were not even supposed to know. But it is what it is.

.. this hurt my children. My bonus babes. My sweet, loving girls. To have their mother vanish. During Christmas and New Year’s no less.

Now don’t get me wrong. My husband and I loved it. We got to have an unexpected month long visit. Our whole family together and during the holidays! So this was fantastic for us.

But….what about the girls? Young girls that need their Mom. Yeah, Dad is great. Stepmom is nice. But your mom is your MOM. And I know exactly what it’s like to have her gone. It hurts. When they hurt, I hurt.

December was joyful. December was awful. I felt more sick for the girls as each day passed (even into January). I still have pains for them. But I know they are young and they heal quick. She is back and all is the way it was before (I guess).

She hasn’t really talked to us about it. She came back and that was it. I guess I am having a harder time getting over it than they are. I don’t need to know all the gritty details. I don’t even want to know. I just want to hear an I’m Sorry.

I’m sorry I hurt my children. I am sorry I had to do what I had to do. I am sorry I can’t open up about it. I am sorry I have to treat you like strangers.

And what about Thank you? Thank you for keeping the girls. Thank you for caring for them when I couldn’t. Thank for being there at Christmas. Thank your for holding them while they cried on New Years Day for their mother.

I know. I am asking too much. Demanding too much. I have no right.

But someone has to stand for these children. Someone has to fight.

I will always be there for my family. For my kids. For my husband.
The Family 2018

I can’t be sorry for that……and I won’t. Because this isn’t about me or how I want someone to act. This is about two precious girls who shouldn’t have to feel abandoned.

A Bug, A Princess, and A Biker Chick

Last Halloween, Averey is little bundle of joy not more than 7 lbs. Far too little to dress up and take around the neighborhood. Plus, the weather turned pretty chilly on Halloween and she mostly stayed in. But this Halloween, in 2014, Averey is walking (almost talking). She may not get it completely, but she knows what is going on.

Candy? Mmmmm.

Her first treats she got when we arrived at the girl’s Mom’s house. Every year, they trick or treat in her neighborhood, no matter whose weekend it is. We have many reasons for doing this. But the main one is that her neighborhood gets into Halloween. There are LOTS of dressed up kids and parents. Many houses decked out in spooky wonder. It is the perfect Halloween neighborhood. The last few years, I had to work until late and didn’t get to take part in the festivities. This year I planned ahead. And? Sydney and Baby Averey got to come too!

I wasn’t expecting that.

To be part of her trick or treating this year brought joy to this Grammy’s heart.

And now I present the stars of our Halloween.

The oldest. She picked a Biker Chick costume.

I hope she doesn’t want a motorcycle soon.

The youngest decided on an Asian Princess. And ohmygoodness, be still my heart. She made a gorgeous princess (of course!).

And then, the youngest of the bunch, my little Lady Bug granddaughter.

They all look so cute trooping through the neighborhood house to house. Averey randomly laughed at everything. Not sure if it was the costumes or the kids or just her having fun. Whatever it was that made her hysterical…well, it made us hysterical too.

Our favorite house was the hot dog house. One person handed out candy. The other person handed out hot dogs. No kidding! Hot of the grill dawgs. How awesome is that?

This Halloween meant a lot to me. Sharing our night with family and enjoying the little ones. Becoming a Grammy made me softer and more nostalgic. Am I complaining? Heck no. I love this time of treasure.

Today marks November 1st. How amazing! It shakes me up a little. November already? Where has the year gone?

To you all, I wish you a happy November 1st!

Hope your Halloween was extra good.

Father’s Day 2014

Most know, this is not the easiest day for me. I miss the two dads in my life more than anything. One not more than the other. Both leave a gaping hole in my heart. And not a single Father’s Day passes in which I don’t yearn to hug them and smile with them. Neither of which I can do as they have both been gone for many years now. I hug my heart and hope the day passes quickly.

I think one of the hardest parts of missing the day with them is because it feels like a very secluded thing. I don’t think anyone can understand my pain and the hurt of missing them. Not to mention the confusion of celebration versus grief.

But a funny thing happened…a poem I wrote on Father’s Day 2011 (last year and this year) ended up with hundreds and hundreds of hits on Father’s Day weekend. I thought the first time it was a crazy fluke, but this year it happened again. I knew it wasn’t just a SEO dream come true. This poem is titled If Heaven had a Father’s Day.

And it is very clear to me that I am NOT the only one missing my Dad(s). I am not the only one that yearns for a Father’s Day hug from one that is no longer here. And the big hole in my heart is a just a bit bigger for all them too.

This year, I changed it up. I decided I would not be sad (as much), but I would celebrate the Dad in my life today. He is my husband. He is a terrific Father with two wonderful girls. A wonderful stepfather to my girl. I must admit, this is my first experience with video, but I did try my best. And you know what? It worked. I ended up way to busy to be sad.

This crafting of video and photos. The process of making the “tape” brought so much life to the present. How could I dwell on what I am missing when there is so much to be part of right now? My step girls are growing up way too fast.

So to my husband, I thank you…and I celebrate you…the girls and I loved making this for you. I think it is more precious than a simple card.

This is a hilarious response to what they know about him when I asked them both to tell me about their dad.

As a bonus…a little behind the scenes photo booth using a song for twins. It is an inside joke with our family, but oh so appropriate.

Happy Father’s Day to all!

Signs of an Art Deco Child

When children find a full roll of butcher block paper…

When they wake up about two hours before you do…

When the art cabinet is in the kitchen…

When you find pieces of tape, paper, and markers…

When you find works of art displayed on their bedroom door…

Well then…

You just might have an art deco child…or two.

And maybe, it’s not the definition for “art deco” in your home. But it is certainly the definition and style of ours.

The girls erected this sign for their door.
© Angelia's Photography 2013

Impressive isn’t it? See the girls decided their bedroom door needed a sign. The first sign said Bri’s Room. And since Molly and Bridget share a room? Well….Molly was not so happy about that.

So, she made her own sign which, of course, included her sister. Because she is sweet correct like that.

Now you might see a sign for the bedroom door, or you might see a work of art, or maybe you see a few stories or two.

Whatever you might see….

© Angelia's Photography 2013

You have to give them an A for vocabulary and points for the extra notations. Those embellishes just make it so much more…

© Angelia's Photography 2013

I’m sure there will be more signs before the butcher block paper meets its end.

Until then, we will continue to look in wonder at a child’s art deco display.

Silly girls.

Linking up to Wordful Wednesday with:

and Dude Mom.