Weekly Photo Challenge: My 2012 in Pictures

I have thought about doing a year-end post. I have. I just didn’t. It loomed as one of the things a little too much for me to handle.

This same time a year ago, I did several year-end posts. In my mind, I considered last year’s offering more than enough to cover the end of this year, no?

Then? WordPress has to go and give me that nudge, and offer their Weekly Photo Challenge.

What do you know? A year in photos.

I guess I will get to hem, and haw over every pick (pic?) I choose this year too….just like year. Because, good gosh, I have a hard time choosing.

However, I will give you this. I am not using a single photo I posted in my blog this year (I hope?).

I plan on selecting NEW photos to charm you with. Maybe? Hopefully? I can’t promise to remember which ones I posted, or that I will even check. But, I will try…..

And that is all I can do….try. Which pretty much sums up my year.

I had stumbles this year. Big ones. Set-backs. Big ones. Things from my past that caught up with me, and hurled me back to about five years ago. A time I was lost, but finding myself. A time of learning, growing, and most importantly needing to love the core of me.

How did I get back there? I can’t say. I suppose it is the same way you gain weight back after you spent so much hard work losing it. And you SWEAR, you will never gain that weight back again. You look into the eyes of your skinny self in the mirror and PROMISE them (while wearing a mini-skirt, meh) to never re-gain what you lost. And boom, five years later? Reality. So, I lost it. I gained it. You win some. You lose some.

And finally, you give in and start taking a daily anti-depressant that changes your world. Except that it still presents a niggle of guilt for having to TAKE A PILL, and not being able to handle the world with your own might, and fortitude.

But, I am over that. Almost.

And this year? This year will be better than ever. I have my grip, and grit firmly in place. Heart-breakers of life? You don’t want to mess with me.

So, for WordPress, I will look back, but only to keep going forward, and KNOW…..I own my future. And the over-all picture I have……is not too bad at all.

Click on any photo to read captions and display a slideshow)

I would like to thank the community of bloggers, friends, and family. For your comments, encouragement, and support. I am deeply grateful to you all.

I am terrible at awards, and I know I have missed many, but big thanks to all of you that mention me and for these lovely awards.

Awards from:

A Beginner


Masadiso’s 79 Blog

Native Michigander

Chronicles of Illusions with the lovely Jo

And last, but not least for the mentions and links: One of my favorite bloggy friends from California Sophomore Slump. We call Rommel the Prince of Blogs, since we all know Island Traveler: This Man’s Journey is the King.

Final thanks to Being Arindam for introducing me to Rommel and featuring me on the same day this year.

To you all……..HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Merry Christmas 2012

I can’t believe Christmas is here already. This is the alternate year where we have the little girls Christmas Eve and Christmas morning. It is such a blast to see all the excitement. It is also the first time in about five years that Sydney is home for Christmas. Normally, she goes to her Dad’s in Mississippi. But guess what? Her Dad moved back to Texas. Squeee!

This year, we are doing the Christmas tradition that I grew up with. That is the one where you open ALL the presents under the tree on Christmas EVE (today!). Then, Christmas morning Santa brings the “big” gift with more presents. The girls seem a little concerned. I think it must feel a little like cheating to open the presents Christmas Eve. But this is how I grew up and Sydney grew up, and honestly, it makes the most sense. The girls will be going to their Mom’s at Noon Christmas Day until the New Year’s Eve. This way gives them a little more time to play.

I have tons of photos and Christmas(y) things to post about, but I simply ran out of time this month. Too busy going, doing, and working.

So, I have decided to post my favorite photos in a slide show for you.

    (Click on any image to enlarge and display)

These are from our Christmas card shoot, St. Matthews children’s program, visit with my Mom in Oklahoma, and Hot Springs, Arkansas. All taken this month.

I’ve been busy!

Now, I need to clear a few memory cards to prepare for Christmas.

I just wanted to wish each and every one of you a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS. I know I don’t do well with the awards, links, and ping-backs. But I promise, I am deeply grateful for every one. I hope you know how much I appreciate you all. This year hasn’t been easy for me, and you have brightened it in more ways than you know.

Stationery card
View the entire collection of cards.

It’s a Bloggy Bling Parade!

What better way to celebrate my 100th post, than to proudly display my awards in all their glory. It’s a parade of wonder. It’s a parade of fun. It’s a parade of blogs and thanks and cheers all around. I am sure I did not properly follow the rules by hoarding them to my 100th post. I apologize, since these are my FIRST bloggy awards ever, I hope you let me slide.

I am so blessed by the blogging community. By the wonderful bloggies I have met and the future bloggies I will meet. You are all precious to me! Your stories, your hearts, your laughter, and your love, each unique, each astounding. I am awed by your talent and contribution to all things blogging. But most especially, for being so supportive of me. I am excited about our future blogging and where our blogs will go.

And now, without further delay, begin drums, blow the horns, and commence marching!

This was my very first blog award. Presented to me by a very talented artist. Not only is she brilliant in paint and prose, but she is one of the sweetest, caring hearts I’ve ever met. Thank you Bliss Bait.

The rules are to pass on to 15 people. In no particular order, these are the blogs I’ve read the longest on a daily basis. Links open a new window.

1. Jessica, Booshy. Real life told with the crass we all think (don’t deny). She cracks me up with all that happens to her. Great stuff! (if you don’t mind some curse words).
2. Josie, Yum Yucky . My foodie friend. Her greediness makes me feel normal. Her posts are so creatively funny and informative.
3. Lance, Jungle of Life. What a HUGE inspirer he is. Everywhere he goes, he leaves happiness and light as footsteps. You can’t help but be affected by him and his blog.
4. Peggy, Serendipity Smiles. Peggy’s real life journey of overcoming, not just reaching the top, but coming out swinging and kicking her way to a black belt in life and love. Incredible! Not to mention, a best-selling writer in my book.
5. Wilma and Ann-Marie, Wilma’s Blog. Women living life differently. Inspiring women to change the norm, and really understand how to make a difference. The posts and comments are worth reading again and again. What great works they do.
6. Mindy, The Suburban Life. Witty, interesting, and fun. I love reading her days. I love how she writes.
7. Emily, A Sacrifice of Praise. When I need some soul food from the Bible. I go here. What devotion she instills in everyday life.
8. Peedee, Queen of the Dogs. My Floridian friend with labs that I love and a Cowboys fan too! She is a riot and a kid at heart like me.
9. Weezer, Weezer’s Haven. Life stories past, and present. Adorable grand babies, giveaways, and interesting info. She is dear to me and I love her dragonflies.
10. Heather, Welch Happenings. I love her laid back life with never a dull moment. She has dial-up in the sticks and still she blogs and comments. That is true dedication.
11. Peggy (again), The Step Mom’s Toolbox. She has been a Godsend to me as I step carefully (and fearfully) towards the wonderful world of step motherhood (aka-the hardest job in the world). Without her, and her resources, I’d be lost.
12. My kashi,  My Kashi Diet. A journey to weight loss. A journey to self. A very dear person, I support whole heartedly. She has been absent and I do miss her.
13. Jenera, Just me. Don’t let her fool you. This girl has great courage and takes life ON. She is accomplishing dreams and has done more this year than I have in many years with two small children in tow and a husband on the road. Amazing!
14. Jenny, Flying Icarus. Fun spirited, happy, and beautiful. I love to laugh with her. She has been absent lately too, and I think she needs some bloggy love.
15. Spot, What passes for sane on a crazy day. Great writer. Her conversations with her family are so funny. I think we can all relate to the “non-normalcy” in our own kind of way.

No you are not seeing double. I got two awards – thanks to Suzicate, The Water Witch’s Daughter and Heather, Welch Happenings.
Thank you both!! I enjoy reading your daily entries about your life.

Rules are to share seven traits about yourself and pass it on.

1. Stubborn.
2. Loyal.
3. Compassionate.
4. Giving.
5. Friendly.
6. Positive.
7. Happy. (yes, this is really how I am)

Since it’s 2010, and it’s a 2009 award I have chosen not to pass it on.
Blog award fail. In my defense, I just noticed it said 2009.

Hey, there’s no crying in parades unless you’re scared of clowns. On we go to my next award. She is a purdy one!

From Weezer, Weezer’s Haven.. She awarded this to me the week my Dad died. It was sweet in more ways than you know to receive when I needed it the most. By the way stop by and congratulate her for stopping smoking. I believe it’s been about three months.

Rules are to tell 10 things about myself that may or may not be common knowledge, then pass it on.

1. I’m the youngest of four children. I was such a brat growing up my two older brothers figured out the only way to stop me from tattling was to make me do what they were doing. This included chewing tobacco, and taking a drag off a cigarette. I couldn’t tell anymore, because I did it too. They were scary smart.

2. My step dad was a computer programmer and college professor. He instilled in me a curiosity of gadgets. I love all things technology and am eager to figure them out. I have a new toy I just got. I am so pumped! It’s going to be revealed very soon!

3. I was on Facebook when it was still mainly for college kids.

4. I have traveled to Mexico, Canada, Aruba, Jamaica, Grand Cayman, Bahamas, Puerto Rico, St Thomas, St John, Dominican Republic, and all over the USA with all of California being one of my favorites (so far). But I really want to visit Seattle.

5. I moved to Dallas, Texas a few months after I turned 18 years old. I lived on my own without any help from my parents (ever). I worked hard and earned my way by working 40+ hours a week.

6. I am named after my Uncle Angel, but my big sister wanted to name me Leah. Mom got creative and named me Angelia. However, I grew up being called Angie.

7. I love talking and learning about people and their lives.

8. Jason asked me to marry him December 18, 2009. Although I’ve been married twice, this was my first real proposal on bended knee with a ring.

9. My daughter Sydney is the coolest, most beautiful 15yr old daughter in the world. I still pinch myself not believing that she is not a “normal” teen and wondering how I got so lucky when I was such a bad one.

10. I have worked in the travel industry for over twenty years. I still love it.

A new friend whose story of her baby son touched my soul, Kellene, Remembering Leo. Bring your hankie and honor this sweet boy.

To one of my first readers to say, “I LOVE your blog and it is the highlight of my day.” That really warmed my heart. Thank you so much. You deserve this more than you know.
Belleringer, Stadium of my heart.

A wonderful mother and blogger who just recently went on a trip to New York City with her adorable children. Jen, Post Modern Jen.

And the last blog that gives me the warm fuzzies, Mommy Bear, The Bear Bunch, great photos and giveaways, plus who doesn’t love bears.

Next in line, a happy award. Yay!

Another double award!
From Peggy, Serendipity Smiles. And from Jen, Post-Modern Jen.

The rules are:

1. List 10 things that make you happy.
2. Try to do at least one thing on the list today.
3. List 10 bloggers who brighten your day.
4. Those of you to whom I give this award are to link back to my blog and perpetuate the happy with your own lists and recipients and whatnot.

Ten things that make me happy:
1. Laughing.
2. Playing with my future step daughters, Molly and Bridget.
3. Tucking Sydney into bed at night.
4. Getting hi-five with both paws from my dog Salem. Coolest trick on the planet!
5. That first cup of coffee in the morning.
6. Jason’s hugs.
7. Getting a new comment.
8. Reading an amazing blog post that tugs my heart.
9. Discovering unending uniqueness and inspiration by fellow bloggers.
10. Receiving bloggy award love and passing it on.

Ten blogs to pass it on to:
1. Kellene, Bella Lucia Photography, talented photgrapher and writer.
2. Suzicate , The Water Witch’s Daughter , hilarious stories, especially about her husband Dirt Man.
3. Jaymie, Jaymie Thorne’s Personal Musings, poetry, reflection, and thoughts. I always enjoy my visits.
4. Lisa-Jo, The Gypsy Mama. I feel like I know her, but I think it’s because she has been so many places. Fascinating blog!
5. Holly, My Bubbled Mess. She just moved and need lots of extra love on her blog. We ALL know how tough moving is.
6. Terri, Massage by Terri. She is so supportive of her commenters. She posts some great videos. I love how her blog evolved.
7. Jenny, Scented Pixels. Extremely talented artist. Sweet disposition and she has a cute new puppy named Jiggy.
8. Lita, Senior Debutante. Wisdom, and history with a wonderfully centered and beautiful lady filled with heart.
9. Deia, Deiala. My friend from across the pond. She is a delight to me in all things German and hip.
10. Hurley Burley Girl, A Star Danced, and Under That I was born. She has the most wonderful short stories. They make me laugh, and cry.

The rules for this are similar to the previous: state five things you like to do, and pass it on to five friends. (Please let them know they received the awards with a comment or email).

1. Play Wii.
2. Anything iPhone related.
3. Photograph kids, and dogs.
4. Eat Sushi.
5. Savor a glass of red wine.

Passing it along to:
1. Luisa, Doraz says. Fun all around and her smile is contagious!
2. Blond Duck, A Duck in Her Pond. She loves cookies, and stuffed animals. We are soooo much alike! Except she writes fantastic stories that amaze me with imagination. I always get sucked right into them. Very talented and fun.
3. Lori, Escape to Joyceland. Always good for a laugh. You just never know what she will come up with but it will be baby wipe clean.
4. DJ Kirby, Chez Aspie. I love her tweets. She is a very successful writer and funny too.
5. Bliss, Bliss Bait. If I haven’t mentioned her talent, let me remind you. Poetry, pictures, and true genuineness.

FROM DORAZ Rules are:



1. Christy, Tales of the Toot. Aiden’s cross is their cross, but where many chronic families find themselves as well. I love her attitude of gratitude in this post.

2. Tess, The Bold Life. She doesn’t write a bad post. She will change your life in a bold way.

3. Karen, A Peek at Karen’s World. I love her weekly themes. She just got a fabulous new hair do! Very cute!

This award was awarded by Purple Hatter to everyone on Doraz, Believe in Yourself blogroll.

I will end this parade with the same award – which is very adorable and creative – to everyone on my blog roll as well. If you want it, don’t be shy. Award yourself! I did. 🙂

Hope this parade has brightened your day as much as mine. You just got showered with candy and confetti!

HAPPY 100TH POST!! (and many, many more)