What does a Giraffe Say?

Hee hee hee – huh-how how how – hee dee hee – duh-how how how!

© Angelia's Photography

Transalation: How to take over Facebook and get away with it!

© Angelia's Photography

Oh yes, he did….all over Facebook!

It is the famous Giraffe Riddle. Have you seen this? Posted this? Answered this?

This is what happens.

If you read this riddle on a “friend’s” Facebook status, and guess the answer by private message, getting it right, all is good. Your profile photo remains untouched and aren’t you a smart little non-giraffe person. BUT if you get it wrong. You are a Giraffe and have to change your pic and post this status.

I answered a riddle and got it incorrect. Try the great giraffe challenge! The deal is I give you a riddle. You get it right you get to keep your profile pic. You get it wrong and you change your profile pic to a Giraffe for the next 3 days.
Here is the riddle:
3:00 am, the doorbell rings and you wake up. Unexpected visitors, It’s your parents and they are there for breakfast. You have strawberry jam, honey, wine, bread and cheese. What is the first thing you open? Remember… message me only. If you get it right I’ll post your name here. If you get it wrong change your profile picture….”

And the answer? Let’s say it is………debatable.

Isn’t everything? (looking at you congress)

I am *not* giving the answer here, but I will direct you to a recent article called, The Great Giraffe Riddle Debate. Meaning the majority of incorrect, giraffe glorified profile users are right. But does that mean the ones that didn’t change their profile photos to a Giraffe should change theirs? Or are they both right? And how can that be?

The riddle’s answers are giving birth to riddles. It is Giraffe anarchy!

Most of the Facebook users are sick and tired of Giraffes. If they never laid their eyes on another giraffe….they would be so happy.

But me, I don’t mind. Maybe, I got the riddle wrong (or right?). Hey, I played by the rules. I changed my profile photo.

No one made me. I just happened to have photos of a baby giraffe I adore. I call him Baby G.

© Angelia's Photography

I don’t know his real name, but I met him at the Zoo. I notice him lean his tall, long, bobbly head to the ground for some grass. Totally doable if you are a baby giraffe, and you spread your legs just a bit. So out they go, and down he nibbles. But when he tries to get up? Oh, whoops, not so easy for Baby G.

© Angelia's Photography

He snaps his legs back together in a hop, slap kind of way. Making quite a show of it to the greatly amused crowd. I laughed. On the inside. On the outside. Holding my camera just so. I did not want to miss this. My favorite part is when he looks around to see if the bigger giraffes have noticed his folly.

© Angelia's Photography

Nope! Okay, then…off he goes to figure out a new riddle for Facebook.

© Angelia's Photography

And keep us all in the land of Crazy-raffe.

Have you changed your profile pic today?

******Inspiration for this post brought to you by Facebook and my nine-year old’s most! favorite! best! song! of all-time! -“What does the Fox say?”*******

Pretty sure he says the same thing as the giraffe.

Hee hee hee – huh-how how how – hee dee hee – duh-how how how!

The Nightmare after Halloween

I found this picture of my daughter on Facebook (I totally stole it!).


Sydney on the far left.

Here she is in her clown costume for the haunted house at Six Flags Frightfest. The 3D haunted house, called Cirkus Berzerkus.

Isn’t that great?!?

20111101-133359.jpgA fellow haunted house worker.

She goes from this…..

Ready for work

To this……


Sydney on the far left.

HA! Hilarious!

I know she will remember this for a loooong time.

Really glad someone posted a pic.

Hope you all had a wonderful Halloween!

I know I did……..because this cookie was involved. I think I’m still on a sugar high.


Must be why I decided to do this…….

I plan on participating in NaBloPoMo: National Blog Posting Month. I thought it would be a good way of completing my 2011 blogging year. And? It’s much better than writing a 50,000 word novel on NaNoWriMo (I will tackle that someday!).

NaBloPoMo 2011

NaBloPoMo 2011

Happy November 1st! Christmas will be here before you know it!!

I’m a Creeeeep…I’m a Weeeeirdo…

What the heck am I doing here?
I don’t belong here.


I typed out these lyrics to Creep in a Facebook message. Little did I know, they would dramatically change my life. It was, in all honesty, the only Radiohead song I knew.

I saw an update status asking if anyone would be interested in Radiohead concert tickets on Sunday. Well I really wasn’t, unless I could get my brother to come down from Oklahoma, but being it was a Sunday night that wasn’t likely to happen. The bigger question to me and the one that I asked to my casually acquainted Facebook friend……why aren’t you going?

He admitted to not having a date, going through a hurtful divorce, and the regular woes of life that we all get so caught up in that we forget to – well – have fun.

Then I wowed him with my lyrical knowledge. “I’m a creeeep! I’m a weeeeirdooooo!” Never mind I wasn’t singing but typing. I’m that good.

He was so impressed that he found a fellow Radiohead fan in all of Facebook-land that he offered to take me to the concert, so we could crone as one.

I did what any single girl would do trying to become a crazy fan in 48 hours or less to impress a guy. I YouTube searched a few more songs. Surely I knew more than one Radiohead song. Right???

I found Karma Police. Yeah. I think I heard one of the contestants sing that on Rockstar INXS. Cool! I watched the video. See I was a Radiohead fan after all. No problem. I got this.

We made plans to meet at his house at 6pm to head from Arlington to Dallas. I talked to him for the first time on the phone the day before to set it up. I, incredibly, got there at 6pm sharp. For those that know me that was a miracle in itself.

As I pulled up, the garage door opened and there stood my date – that wasn’t a date – but just a kind gesture of servitude to another concert going Radiohead fan (heh).

Our eyes met in smiles right away, he was MUCH better looking in person than in his picture and what surprised me most of all…he was TALL. 6ft 1in. If only Facebook gave profile stats, I could have known. I wore my high heel sandals thinking he was short. I know. Don’t try to compute the logic, I had guy issues. Ahem. I’m a creeeeppp.

Off we head to Dallas, listening to Radiohead in the car, except I didn’t know it was Radiohead since I only knew ONE song. Maybe two if my YouTube memory held out. I actually figured it out AFTER the concert when I truly was a new turned fan.

Didn’t matter anyhow, we talked the whole way – about – everything. If there is one thing my momma taught me it was how to have a conversation, with anyone, anywhere, anytime. Thanks mom! I’ll chat with you later when I have a few hours *wink*.

It was a good thing too. It took hours just to get INTO the concert. Never have I seen so many people going to a concert at Superpages.com, or better known as the Smirnoff, or more simply Fairpark, in all my life.

The park was packed. Our seats were just under the awning – which was GREAT – considering the entire lawn behind us had seating that was really far back and ALL of it was standing room only. The concert started right after we sat down and it took my breath away. Literally, or Lyrically. I guess both.

And really I can’t describe it, but those things hanging down..they changed colors. They glowed. They flashed. They did everything but walk off the stage, or maybe they did that too. It was all in tune to the beat, and the motion of the music, which was poetry in itself. Incredibly awesome, like nothing I have ever seen.

These images are from a google search. Our view was more like this.

But honestly? It didn’t matter where we sat. It was the greatest, most energetic, dramatic, artfully choreographed media concert show I have ever seen and, trust me, I’m no concert virgin. There was a time I thought I was watching a video being played on a big screen, when in fact it was in live time with the stage. It was that good.

I felt SAD when it ended. When our night ended. I felt like we went through something special together and a friendship bond formed. Was it love at first sight? Not at all. I was pleasantly surprised by him. Blown away by the concert, and really enjoyed our long car conversations. *It took three hours to get OUT of the concert*

Jason, my friend, my boyfriend, my husband – Happy THREE year anniversary of our meet date. I can humbly say, May 18, 2008, a Radiohead concert, truly changed my world by bringing you into it.

You know the funniest twist to it all? They didn’t even play Creep.

I’m a creep.
I’m a weirdo.
What the heck am I doing here?
I don’t belong here.

*I rarely re-post, but this is in honor of another year.*

Happy last first date to my sweetie! Now, when is Radiohead coming back in concert?

Project Central = Psycho Central?

Look! An ADHD quiz! My results say……

Of course, that really says psych central, not psycho central, but don’t you know the exes are nodding their heads in agreement at the psycho part (heh!). I kid. I kid.

But, where was I?

Oh yeah, being ADD or ADHD, because that’s what the quiz confirms, and we all know how accurate the internet is (right?).

Any other adult ADD(ers) out there? Do you feel my pain? Could this really be true?

Look! A shiny object!

Speaking of shiny objects….don’t EVER watch UFO’s on Planet Earth before bed. You will have the FREAKIEST dreams.


I’ve known I could be ADD for some time now. Tasks take longer, or get lost, forgotten, or discontinued. I abhor lists and plans, but WANT (so badly) to be organized. And how to do that? I have no idea because the focus is just not there. My mind constantly swirls in ideas but catching one is like grabbing a hand-up from the old merry-go-rounds that spin ferociously fast (weren’t those fun?).

When we question our health….what do we do? I’ll tell you what I do…..I turn to the self-diagnose power of the web; self-assessment and the like. Sites like Web MD – my personal favorite (and most dangerous).

I confirmed my color blindness via the web. Remember that post? Of course, I knew that in fourth grade, but did not diagnose myself at age 10, and neither did any of my eye doctors in the last thirty years. To give them the benefit of the doubt, maybe when I said I couldn’t see the number in the circle, they really thought I just couldn’t SEE (which I couldn’t). But I digress…..

My point is….(I don’t need a self-assessment. This post is proof. Ha)…..I have started new projects (especially this year). I am working on them in my ADD way and that means when I go to complete perfect them, I get distracted. It’s the story of my life right now. I begin, lose focus, waiver, and then move on to something else. Which is why I have bookmarks in over a dozen books gathering dust on my nightstand. But I am working towards the end (somehow, someway) one page at time, one project at a time.

Project One– FINALLY, with the help of my dear husband, I have launched my photography website. I’m still adding more pictures, categories, and pricing (eventually). I’d still LOVE for you to check it out. Angelia’s Photography or Angel Lia’s Photography. I go back and forth on the name, but the website is just angeliasphotography. Can you believe there is ANOTHER Angelia Photography? How cool is that?!?

Project Two– This goes along with project one. FINALLY! A Facebook fan page. MY FAN PAGE – Angelia’s Photography. I am so lucky I had 25 of you LIKE me and I got a user name – all official and stuff. Of course, I’m still adding pictures and figuring out how to manage (or admin) a page. But, who cares?! I did it. I created a page. You must LIKE. You must! (pleasepleasepleaseplease).

The rest of my projects include…..my Photoshop homework for class. I hope to design a business card. I have Photovision DVDS to watch. You get to creep on professional photography shoots. Creeping! My fav.

My garden is a mess and I hope to plant something to replace the dead brown branches I have managed to keep dead all winter (um, yay?). I have pictures to finish editing of FOUR GENERATIONS of daughters. I photographed them just prior to my ankle injury. Here are a few shots….

Moms & Daughters.

Circle of generations.

91yrs old and beautiful!

Can I just say I LOVE her? I want to adopt her as my grandma. I lost all my grandmas and have none living. I’m pretty sure she agreed to that.

My sprained ankle is healing. After two weeks, it looks normal again, in other words, not purple in color and swollen like a grapefruit. It doesn’t feel normal, but at least I can walk and drive.

I am way behind in blog reading and thanking ALL the wonderful commenters on my Freshly Pressed drive-in movie post. The stories of your drive-in movie experiences and nostalgia made me laugh and reminisce myself. I, too, remember piling many bodies in mom’s red wagon (because the price was per car) to head to our local town’s drive-in. It really is a great time. I think scary movies are the best at drive-ins. I hope many of you do find a drive-in and create memories for our next generation of children. I am happy to hear so many of you have screens you can go to. So thank-you for that, what you shared with me was far better than being freshly pressed (for serious!).

Lastly, it’s Easter weekend. That means it’s my last weekend to worship enjoy my favorite Easter candy.

Why yes, I did shoot portraits of my favorite candy. Is there a quiz to see if that’s normal?

Today, I say good-bye to my favorite Cadbury Creme Eggs.

Tomorrow, I rejoice in the Risen King.

My focus will be on family gatherings, and the love of our savior.

Have a Happy Easter! May it be most joyful, blessed, and complete (heh, get it? complete?).

Look! I finished a post!

Did you take the quiz? Are you ADHD?