Confession Wednesday- Driving, dogs, and doo doo

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Thanks to Karen at A Peek at Karen’s World. I am taking part in this week’s confession Wednesday. Thanks Karen!

I must confess. I love my puppy Anna. She is sweet. She is snuggly. She is almost two years old now, and finally, FINALLY getting past ALL the puppy stages. She has been EXTREMELY difficult to train, to calm down, and to adapt to, since she is a Greyhound and not a Lab.

Don’t look at me like that Anna. You are a GREYHOUND, not a Lab. Raising your eyebrows at me won’t change that fact. Also, Salem is not your “real” mommy but she loves you like her own. She does. You are very lucky.

Anna this morning I was NOT happy with you. It was NOT okay.

Don’t look at me all shocked. What did you do Anna? It’s disturbing. Waking up at 6am, to the permeated stench of poo, which in my sleepy haze thought was just a horrible case of dog farts.

It wasn’t until 645am when the smell brought me straight outta bed. Stronger. OH MY LORD, what’s that SMELL?? Uuuuughh….then I realize…..someone had an accident. Since it wasn’t a human household member, it must be a pup. Sydney..shame on you for thinking it was ME when you went down the hall to the laundry room and past my shut door catching the scent. I NEVER thought it was YOU.

I was fearful to look into your crate, as I should have been, it was a mess. Oh P-yew! I let you out. Assessed the damage. Poor girl had covered up most of it with your only blankie. You were in the middle of the crate most of the night, sitting straight up, in the only clean spot. I let you out THREE times before bed, dangit!

It wasn’t hard to clean, but gross as heck. THANK YOU PETMATE for making an extremely durable home that was easy to clean. I totally became a fan on Facebook. A lot of bleach and a roll of paper towels with each smeared wad carefully placed, one by one, into a plastic grocery sack. Tied up tight and put in the trash in the garage. Blankie went into the wash, with bleach and hot water and lots, and lots of soap. I washed my hands a 100 times.

I hope you didn’t mind the babywipe bath. Best I could do, and you really did well not to get it all over you. Just one little spot. You smell really nice with the doggie perfume I had handy.

I confess, I was not happy with you Anna. But it was me that bought the meat filled treat bone night before last. Sorry it didn’t sit so well. My bad.

I must confess….I have the most beautiful daughter in the world (at least I think so). Just look at her. But sweetie? I still HATE driving with you. I don’t offer the wheel, like EVER, unless I feel extremely guilty for not helping you learn to drive.

I just get so stressed out, hitting the imaginary brake, and heaving myself against the side door when you back up punching the gas, not turning the wheel, shooting straight out of a parking space with CARS parked behind us. Ahhhhh!

Deep breaths. Listen, I know. I can relate. I am a terrible driver. Remember yesterday morning at school, I stopped on the crosswalk, without realizing it, blocking the handicap ramp. I watched in horror as the boy in the wheel chair rolled up and couldn’t get past me to go to school. To my extreme shame, I couldn’t MOVE. Cars in front, and cars in back. See, I really shouldn’t be your teacher.

I don’t know how parents survive this, but I am told we do. It would greatly help me if your dad were around. Please understand. I don’t hate you. I hate the system and the learning process. Plus you can’t help that you are blond, it’s genetics.

But I promise to do better. I swear. You will be a good driver (and me too). I will fulfill my parental duty. Love you mean it!

31 thoughts on “Confession Wednesday- Driving, dogs, and doo doo

  1. suzicate

    Oh, I can totally relate to the doggy doo…happened in my house before, too. And being in the car with a teenager learning to drive…it’s a wonder I didn’t have a heart attack!


  2. Oh, your poor puppy. I’m sure it wasn’t much fun for her, either!

    I don’t think I could ever handle the stress of teaching a teenager to drive. No way. No how. My brother’s been driving two years and I still won’t let him drive my car.


  3. See this is why we have a kitty and not a puppy 🙂 I don’t think I could handle this type of wake-up quite yet… maybe in a few years! My mom was the SAME way when I was learning to drive. I have no doubt that when it is Nevaeh’s turn behind the wheel, I will feel EXACTLY the way you do. Luckily, she is only going to be 3, so I have a few years left…. at least for now!

    Happy Wednesday Dear Friend!!


  4. I’ve cleaned up more dog sh**t than one should ever have to. But thats my load (so to speak) to bare. I love the puppies and with puppies come accidents.

    Poor baby. She didnt wanna pooh in her crate. Promise mommy.

    And can I tell you I still have guilt over how much screaming I did at Lauren when she was learning to drive. I kinda dont like myself for it. So your not alone in the drama-rama of learning to drive.


  5. Oh, this is great! I so remember feeding the wrong foods to pups AND the learning to drive nightmare. Luckily we all made it through. I’m sure you will too…you have the humor for it. 😉


  6. My son has been driving for a year with his permit. He is going in next week for his actual test. It took a good 3 months before I quit screaming and holding on for dear life! LOL 🙂 It does get better. Stay strong!


  7. Oh I can relate. I have one who has been 16 since August and I still haven’t finished teaching her to drive yet. I am a nervous wreck in the car with her and paranoid that I am forgetting to tell her something important. Even the fact that my married 22 year old still can’t drive and calls me for rides hasn’t got me going! I might have to pay someone!


  8. Poor Anna! I’m sad for her because she had to sit up all night with the stench right around her, but I’m sad for you because you had to clean it all up. ICK! Just the description of everything gave me the shivers. For reals.

    And, yes, your daughter is really beautiful. But good looks does not equal good driver. I would be an absolute mess trying to teach a kid to drive too. I’m bad enough with my husband and he’s quite experienced!!! Good luck with all that!!


  9. Poor you and poor dog, she must have some cramps!! She is terribly cute! What an expression on her face!
    The driving thing; I am so lucky I never had to go through this. Back in the Netherlands, you can have drivings lessons when you are 18 years. And it is not allowed for parents to teach their children. Only a licensed instructor can teach you to drive and you have to pass e a real difficult driving examination. Some people pay thousand’s of Euro’s to finally pass the tests. (you fail easily). Price: about 70 Euro’s for 1 1/2 hour lesson. And, most time, when children become 18 years, they get the first 10 to 15 drivings lessons from their parents for their birthday. Most 18 year old drive pretty good but will have till they are 23, a restricted license. When they are get 3 tickets for speeding or so, they have to do a new examen! Pretty tough, is it! 🙂


  10. Awe. Poor doggy! Glad it all got cleaned up nicely. Your daughter is beautiful, indeed. And although it is far in the future, I am absolutely dreading the day when my daughter starts driving!


  11. Ick. That is not a pleasant smell to wake up to.

    But oh those cute puppy eyes. How could you ever stay mad at those?

    Your daughter is very pretty! I know when the day comes, I am going to be a horrible driving teacher. Good thing I don’t have to worry about that for a loooooong time.


  12. Your dog poo story reminds me of a story I should share. Hmm, if I do get around to writing it, I’ll link back to you and yours 🙂

    Got forbid I have to teach a child how to drive. I’d never, ever get through it. I’m such a nervous wreck as is!

    BTW, saw the pic on Face, too. She is gorgeous! I love the hair pic and the pic is really good, but I really like the pic you have on your header.


  13. Oh, bless your heart. What a horrible thing to go through .. for you and Anna. Reminds me of some of the bad experiences I had with Sadie and all her illnesses. I’d go through all of it again if I could just have her back with me.
    Thanks for your comment on “Joan”. I love different perspectives on my rantings. That’s why we do this blogging thing, right?
    Also, I love the changes you’ve made to your sidebar and the new pictures.


  14. Nothing compares to waking up to that horriable stench. I was eating some sunflower seeds and of couse what ever I’m eating, they think I should share. Who knew sunflower seeds wouldn’t settle good. I found out the next morning.

    Your dog and your daughter are both beautiful.

    Thanks for friending me on Facebook.


  15. Ah…the things we do for our pets and kids. I think that in the last twenty years I’ve cleaned up enough gallons of vomit, poop and pee that I should get a badge or something. Like those pins the red cross gives out when you donate so much blood!?!

    And I have now taught two of mine to drive. And I have no idea how I survived. Thankfully, they are both content to let me drive when I am with them. But if it’s a long road trip and they take over…I go to sleep in self defense.

    Good luck with both of your “babies”,


  16. Poor puppy! I hate it when one of our dogs has an acciedent in their kennel. Ours ALWAYS seem to get it all over them. 😦 Thankfully it doesn’t happen often at all but when it does…..ugh and PU!

    I feel for you on the driving situation. I went through that with my oldest son a couple of years ago. You promised to do better but you probably won’t if she drives like my son. LOL



  17. Peggy Nolan

    Awww…poor puppy!

    And yes, you do have a gorgeous daughter…even if she can’t drive all that well, yet.

    Good grief how I remember that imaginary air brake…and we’ve got one of those nifty little things in our town…a ROTARY…

    I thought my life would end a time or two …


  18. Lita C. Malicdem

    You naughty Angelia,

    Anna is beautiful enough to appear in her “own” blog. But to add Sydney in hers, you’re naughty. If I were Sydney I would have shouted bloody vindictives your way!

    Poor pretty Sydney! In fairness, isn’t she growing prettier each day? And I was out for only few days!

    You better get her enrolled in a driving school. Or you’ll be watching all your moves to eternity.

    My love!


  19. I feel your pain having to clean up after the doggy mess. Nothing worse than that, but I’m sure that she was just as upset. As for the driving, I have 3 boys and it was hard to get through with each one. It does get a little easier, hang in there!!! Stopping by from SITS!


  20. Oh man I remember when Max poopied out of nervousness in his crate when I first rescued him. I came home to find him covered in his poop with one back leg in the air and a look that said, “Help! I stink! Oh yea, and I’m sorry Mommy!” Poor little baby. I almost ralphed right there but I was a good mommy and cleaned him and then the crate up and cuddled him.


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