The Scoop

Brownie, and I are off to Oklahoma today. She wants to meet her Grandma, who will probably eat her up. It will take a lot to get back home with her.

I had quite the experience last night. My second photo shoot, that wasn’t of Sydney, and the girls. Plus, it was a bride trying out her bridal gown. See, a few nights ago, I offered my photography services to friends, and family (free). I decided I could read about photography, or I could just get out there and do it. With practice (like writing), maybe I would get better at it.

The response was astounding. And the next day at work when they were talking about it, a co-worker mentions her future daughter-in-law that wants pictures in her wedding dress. Of course, I jumped at the chance. The next day, ten minutes prior to her arrival, I got really nervous about it. I have no idea how to pose or what facial expressions to tell them to use. I relied on the family with her to distract her. After a while, everyone got comfortable, I got more natural shots. I did get the lighting right on some. For an amateur, I think it was incredible experience.

Here are a few of my favorites. I can see why photographers love to shoot weddings. There is something magical that happens, when a girl puts on her dress.

I couldn’t have asked for a more beautiful model. And I have to thank my mentor, and friend, for her incredible inspiration, and support. Kellene at Bella Lucia Photography.

Last thing is this, I am back over at the The Scoop on Poop blog. I want to thank DramaMama for graciously hosting me for TWO days.
BWS tips button

Thank you for coming by. Between photography, writing, working, and now going to Oklahoma. I haven’t had a lot of time to visit and read blogs. I really appreciate your readership!

35 thoughts on “The Scoop

  1. Retta @ RunRettaRun

    Ooooh you’re heading to Oklahoma today! Don’t forget to get a fried pie ;). You are amazingly talented. What beautfiul photos. I love the last photo. Not going to lie, I teared up a bit.


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  3. OH–WOW!! These pictures are fantastic!

    Having an interest in photography, I sure can relate to your excitement over this opportunity and the great success you’re having. Way to go! You have a true talent, and a real eye. The pictures aren’t only well focused–with great dof and colours (beautiful skin tones and the right lighting), but they are unique and eye-catching. What you’ve done seems to have captured her true personality. Adding the boot was so clever–the last picture truly is worth a thousand words. The framing and angles are hugely appealing.

    Looks like you’re moving into something big. 🙂



  4. I don’t think you need to worry too much about “reading” about photography; you clearly have a natural eye. The bride was lovely & the pictures came out terrific. And I love the last shot of the blue shoes next to the boot – sweet. Congratulations! You ARE a photographer.


  5. That’s wonderful Angelia – some courage and a different perspective and look what happens. Great job with the photos – I love the first one, the sort of natural smile and look so hard to obtain often with professional photo shoots.


  6. Well done girl! And your spot on with the “just get out there and do it” attitude!

    You’ve got natural talent for photography. Dont doubt yourself!!

    I ADORE the one with the boot in it. Awesome!!


    And your going where my baby is!!! =)


  7. The photos are wonderful!

    You definitely have an eye for photography!! I like the one with the boot, but I love the 4th one down… it’s like you captured a secret moment.

    Have a great trip!


  8. Wow! I am guessing this photography thing is your dream? WOW! Follow it. I am so happy for you!

    I completely agree with what you said: There is something magical that happens, when a girl puts on her dress.

    And you did have a beautiful subject. I am happy for her too!

    I love the 3rd one where it appears as if the camera is looking down on her.

    I think you might not have know what to do, but you found your inspiration! I can’t wait to see more as your dream unfolds!!!!!!

    WAHOOOOO YOU!!!!!!!!!


  9. These are beautiful. I’ve done a couple of weddings myself and they’re so much fun to do…….from the portraits all the way to the reception.
    Good job, Angelia!


  10. OMG! You did a fabulous job! I bet the bride was thrilled. All the portraits are truly lovely, but I love the one of the bride wearing the boot. Too cute and unique!

    You continue to amaze me with your talent!



  11. I have said it before, and I will say it again. Photography is YOU. You have done some beautiful work here. I see you smiling. Keep having fun. Try to rest. lol 🙂 You have a busy schedule. 🙂


  12. Yes, follow your desire and do it. Photographing people is not easy and you did and do a superb job. Do models reflect the photographer, if they do you can see you LOVE what you do.
    Those pics are beautiful, xox Wilma


  13. These photos are stunning! You have such an artist’s eye! What kind of camera are you shooting with?

    P.S. – You need to start charging for your services. You’d give any wedding photograper a run for his/her money.


  14. I’ve encouraged my daughter, who is a college photo major, to offer her services for free, also. Great way to get a portfolio together. I love your snaps…and the Army boots, too!


  15. Holy crap, girl, those photos are FANTASTIC! You are so freaking talented. You should definitely be doing that full time. Or writing a book. Either/Or. 🙂


  16. Your pics are ABSOLUTELY wonderful!!! Love them! Especially the one where you can see a bit of the bride’s shoe 😉
    You sure are a talented lady, writing, having patience with kids, taking photographs, what next? 😉


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  18. Holly Ann

    Had i not known otherwise i would have looked at these pics and thought they were professionally done…

    If i ever decide to get married maybe i can fly you out to VA to take my pics… 🙂

    Love, Love, Love the boot…


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