Beg, Plead, and #Hashtag

Whatever works to get any of my 740 Twitter followers to tweet me. To reply. To be more than just a number in my followers section.


Is anyone out there? I tweeted a question…

#please #help #question #photography

I didn’t get an answer.


#anyone #anyone #anyone #echoechoechoecho



I don’t think anyone is out there. Not for #personal questions. Not for #amateur #photography #wanna #bes #that #blog. I mean, if you want to know breaking news. Or follow a witty actor, author, or famous blogger. Sure, that’s out there. It’s fun. I once followed the USA vs. Canada hockey game via Twitter when I was on the road and unable to watch it. It really was play by play, but for advice? #Twitter #fail

I had done what I called my last “practice” shoot before I decided if I wanted to launch a small side business. I’ve talked about that before. Indecision has plagued me since the idea popped into my brain.

Am I good enough? Do I have the natural talent? Patience? Do I deal with people well? Would they hire me? Would they PAY me to photograph them?

It’s one thing to take photos for fun, but quite another to be hired.

I go to my last “free” photo session. It’s a friend I’ve known for three years. Not close friends, but not a stranger either. Not long after I’ve arrived feeling very fresh, very green, and a little nervous (I have yet to go into taking pictures with NO nerves). She mentions to me her best friend is a photographer. It started as a hobby (like me) and she went on to open her business six months ago. Wow! I’m not sure why – except for the fact her BEST friend is a pro-photographer – my nerves went through the roof. I got hot. I got intimidated. And really? It’s not easy to hold a camera steady when you have nerves. Nor can you see through the viewfinder when your sweat is running into your eyes #justsayin’.

I did the best I could and I told myself – THIS – was exactly the practice I needed. With nerves. With pressure. Missing the youngest family member due to illness and losing the sun on the horizon as darkness descended faster than my shutter finger.

I felt I did a horrible job.

I didn’t feel good about the shots. The angles. Or the lighting. Or the whole experience. I just hoped a few turned out for my time and work (and sweat!).

After, I went straight to my community group’s chili cook-off. I didn’t get to view the pictures right away. I get home and do what any nervous photographer does. I edit my pictures. I edit until 3AM.


And when I was done, I wanted what any #amateur wants. FEEDBACK.

But, it’s 3AM.

The next morning I uploaded to Facebook, and Picasa. I got a few responses.

So I decided to try Twitter World. Surely, out of 740 fans, I’d have a plethora of response, pointers, and suggestions.

#help #really


Not one response.


I took that as a sign from the Twitterverse. I was NOT supposed to launch a side business. Not yet. Not for now, anyway.

#Because #Twitter #said #so
Because, I am clearly not ready. With time and more training, I won’t need any validation. Twitter or otherwise.

I will leave you with a few pictures from the session. And I will say……..I may not launch a side business (yet), but I will keep “practicing”.

#Thanks #alot #Twitter

P.S……. I’ll tweet ya later….

42 thoughts on “Beg, Plead, and #Hashtag

  1. Twitter isn’t for serious…ever…I mean if you put #crazy #pics then…maybe a response would have happened? Twitter only replies when you’re A: famous B: sarcastic or C: just plain stupid

    Just my 2 vents (ha…meant to say “cents” but I like that better)


  2. I have had a similar experience. Started getting more into photography, started posting some of my work, and many times, <>. It can be discouraging. But I have started building a small group of people who have opinions that I respect, and will take the time to look at my stuff and give feedback. I think your work is good – you seem to have a talent for giving the portrait the feel of a genuine moment between people, not just a staged photo.


    1. Cipher- Hey thanks! I love hearing from others in my shoes. I think, considering I have had no instruction whatsoever, that I do a really good job. My only issue is my confidence and support. I plan on taking a class at the local university to strengthen that. I am really excited about it and will hopefully meet some others that can give me feedback and guidance. It’s great that you found a group. Maybe there’s room for one more?? 🙂


  3. Hi Angelia – I have tried to get into Twitter but am so not a fan of it – it all just seems to be people posting little anecdotal incidents and comments all day long. What about blogs? There must be some serious photography blogs out there with themes and opinion groups you could try. You Capture is one I enjoy, not really quite that, but you can easily pick out the good photographers amongst those who participate and over time get to know them and get good feedback.


    1. Jane-I’ve been following You Capture. I just LOVE her. There are a lot of photography blogs out there, but seems like they are too busy to help an amateur? Or maybe I just feel I am intruding asking for advice? I think I have the little sister syndrome. I am always the youngest trying to be bigger. It really is something I am working on in myself. I LOVE your advice and appreciate your feedback and support SOOOO much! Truly, thank-you! You are such a trooper and I love your honesty.


  4. I do not Tweet; feeling like I have to draw the line somewhere. But, that said, I think you photographs are wonderful! I feel the same way about blogging sometimes. Is anyone really out there? I feel like the popular girls get all the comments and no one asks me for playdates. It all begins and ends with me. All you can do is put in the effort and let go of the outcome.


    1. Colleen- Yet another thing that has been crossing my mind lately. Is it all worth it? Why am I here? I get it. I do. Thank-YOU sooo much for your comment and support. It really is about the inside and the only competition is in there not in the digital world.


  5. Maddy

    I never use twitter for photography questions. Well, sometimes I do, but it’s more like asking a question out loud to myself 🙂 If you want real feedback, constructive criticism, answers to all your photog questions, than joining a forum is the way to go. I highly recommend I Heart Faces forum: I’ve gotten a lot of help there with regards to building a website, equipment to buy, dealing with clients, etc… It’s a great resource and there are a lot of photographers at varying stages, new and pro alike!

    But honestly, the only person that can determine if you’re ready to launch a business is you. No one is going to be able to answer that for you. You have to have faith, stand behind your work and keeping plugging away at it.


  6. Yogasavy

    I rarely tweet as it is just not interactive enough for me! I hope you get some responses form the photography world! I am not much help but I do love the way you capture the beauty of your subjects


    1. Yogasavy- Thank-you. I don’t think you have to be a photographer to appreciate the beauty of people. I love the view through your eyes. Your flow and peace are a warm hug to me. It really means to get a compliment from you. 🙂


  7. I’m not on Twitter and after reading this I am more convinced not to be.

    These photos brought tears to my eyes. I agree you have a gift for bringing us more than a shot of a person. You help us know them and feel connected to them and in appreciation of their beauty.

    Twice I have gone to SCORE, Service Corps Of Retired Executives. They volunteer their time. You make an appointment and tell them your business plan and they give you feedback for free. They have been right on with what they said.
    Best luck to you.


    1. Purplume- Well, for me, Twitter is entertainment of the third kind. If nothing is in my email, and nothing is going on Facebook-wise. I hit Twitter up. Something is ALWAYS going on there. 🙂 It is fun if you don’t take it too serious. I was just really eager the other day.


  8. runrettarun

    Girl, you should totally open a side business. You’re amazing! Though I like Twitter, it tends to move so fast and I do know since I’m not on it all day, I miss tons of stuff. 😦


    1. runrettarun

      Oh and I’m so glad you told me to leave the walker before I get on stage. Seriously, I was going to take it w/ me! Bedazzled and everything. 🙂


  9. Twitter has changed a lot — in just the little time I have been on it. I am sorry I didn’t see your tweet. Even people in special columns sometimes get lost in the many tweets.

    I think Twitter or anyone’s opinon matters less than what you think and feel. So if you think that you need to wait until you feel you don’t need Twitter validation, then that is probably right.

    Had I seen the tweet I would have responded. I would have encouraged you to follow your heart. I love the photos. In the first one, however, I am distracted by the toaster. The ones of the child are precious. I think you can do it, but I also think it boils down to YOU having to know you can do it. 🙂 I’m cheering you on!


    1. Terre- I think it was too early for you and don’t be sorry. 🙂
      It’s funny you say that about the toaster. I actually have shots of the them and the wall scripture, sans toaster. I sorta liked it, since it went along with their scripture theme on the wall.

      Thanks for the cheering and dancing with all your heart’s joy for me. I do appreciate it and I WILL pursue it. Just need to cook a little longer.


      1. Yeah, I love that you feel it is not the right time and you are wise enough to let it perculate.

        The toaster is not as distracting to me in the color version. Don’t know why.

        Rah-rah-rah! 🙂


  10. Okay, I’m obviously still in the dark ages, technologically speaking, and this pretty much flew right over my head. But those pictures are fabulous! And, still–no indication of any colour blindedness going on.


  11. Angelia, I think your photographs are excellent! I once had an acquaintence who decided she was going to be a wedding photographer in Chicago. She showed me the pictures from her first job. I’m sure the bride and groom just loved the picture of themselves in full wedding regalia out by the church with the JC Penney’s in the background!! I was speechless.


  12. Your photos are fantastic. I would hire you. I wish I could take photos as lovely as yours.

    As far as Twitter, I’m on there. But I can’t seem to connect. I hear all the time about all the people you meet and followers you get and blah, blah, blah, but it just doesn’t work for me. Unfortunately. Yet I keep throwing tweets out there … just in case.

    Truly pay attention to your gut feeling and you’ll know when the time is right. Venturing out is scary and nerve-wracking, but nerves keep us on our toes, help us do our very best. Good luck with whatever your decision may be (but I say ‘go for it!’).


    1. Lisa- Thank you for your encouragement. You are right. We have nerves for a reason. I come from a family of nerves and will always have them. I plan on taking a few classes. I need to get off auto mode and go manual. I have the vision for photography now I just need the precision with the camera. I will get there! Not giving up. Not a chance. And hey…we should tweet later. 🙂


    1. Michelle- Seems like Twitter is like everything else. It takes a LOT of work and replying to others and searching hashtags to really get super interactive. I just haven’t had time. I do love to read short little updates. I always wish I had that kind of wit. 🙂 Thank you for your compliments. That means the world to me. 🙂


  13. I’m not an expert…..but the pictures I see here are simply amazing.

    I think pictures are a way of catching emotion. That’s what I see in your shots….lots and lots of emotion. So, keep on keeping on. Don’t think too much about the feedback from the internet world. Count on a few good friends who will be honest with you.

    I have found that in the almost 2 years I have been blogging I sometimes don’t think anyone is reading. Then I will run into a local acquaintance who will say “I LOVE your blog….!”

    I think sometimes people are just too busy or too intimidated to respond.
    For what it’s worth, your photos are amazing!


  14. Girlfriend,


    Quit second guessing yourself. You’re talented. You’re better than good. And I’m not on twitter enough to give you feedback via a 140 set character limit 🙂

    Rock on Angelia!



  15. PS – did you see the pictures I posted of my grand daughter and Ed the Wonder Dog on facebook? I’m absolutely loving my new Nikon D90 – we’ll have to talk flash diffusers when I get as advanced as you!!


  16. haha – love the dogs & kiddies – so cute!!! Your pics are fabulous! Don’t take Twitter too seriously… I haven’t been RT or even DM’d in a LONG TIME! It’s like I almost don’t exist on there anymore, or I’m just not on when everyone else is – ugh!


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