My Cup of Happy

Day 7 of my 365 project.

Drink and be happy! It's the weekend.

It’s actually not even my cup. I got it for Jason on his birthday last year, but it is so much sweeter drinking from his cup of happy. It’s almost a sneaky happy. But really we are sharing our happy. Isn’t that what newlyweds do? Ha.

Tomorrow, we are taking the girls to Oklahoma for the first time. Molly swears she has been there before. Hmmmm, well, I don’t think so and I sure don’t think her mom has ever taken her. But that’s okay. After tomorrow she can say she has been to Oklahoma and it will be for real. I hope she enjoys our tradition of singing the song, Oklahoma, when we cross the border.

OooooooooooooKLAHOMA, where the wind comes sweeping down the plain…..and the waving wheat, it sure smells sweet when the wind comes right behind the raaaain…..OooooooooKLAHOMA!

Hope it doesn’t scare her. It’s worth the risk. We (Sydney & I) just can’t break tradition.

As for featured entertainment (besides our singing), we have all iPhones charged and plenty of headphones. Yes!

The girls will get to see their Grandma B, her 20 or so dogs, and her little cottage. They will get to see country and small town living. I hope they get to meet their cousin-in-laws; my brother’s children from marriage. There will be many firsts. I don’t think I will have a problem capturing Day 8 of 365, but I will have a hard time picking the “one” to showcase that day.

Mom is very excited.


It’s always nice to visit home. I am very lucky to be only three hours away.

Maybe I’ll wash my cup o’ happy and have some more tomorrow.

Welcome to the weekend!

Do you have any big plans? Does anyone else still have a Christmas tree up? (totally slacking here with one tree still up – oops!)

9 thoughts on “My Cup of Happy

  1. Have fun in Oklahoma! I do not have to ask: Please take pictures!! 🙂
    My weekend will be not that special. Have to work Sunday and tomorrow usual things. But I love also usual things 🙂 Have a great weekend!


  2. I took my tree down New Year’s Weekend. Wanted a clean, fresh start to the new year. I guess a part of me also wants to keep Christmas fresh, too. I don’t want it to linger, when I’m extremely sad it’s over and done with for an entire year. That’s what makes it special! Plus, it gave me an excuse to re-decorate my living room for winter! YAY! I heart TJ Maxx, Marshalls, and any other discount store that offers $6 vases and $3 blankets!


  3. Pingback: Tweets that mention My Cup of Happy | Living, Loving, Laughing….. --

  4. I really need to find one of those cups for my youngest daughter, it would be perfct for her! We are all clear. Found the one window candle I always forget about and took it down last night : )

    Yeeow! Ayipioeeay!
    Have a Great time on you trip to Oklahoma, OK L-A H-O M-A, Oklahoma…..!


  5. This Italian Family

    I LOVE your cup of happy! It makes me happy just seeing it! 🙂

    And yuppers, our trees are all still up and decorated! No decorations have come down yet. But it’s purposeful. I really am not a winter person. The only thing that makes it tolerable is Christmas, haha! So I always leave the decorations up longer than normal to keep a little cheer in the house. 🙂


  6. I’m here! Love the new header.

    I have a “O Happy Day Mug”, and a “A sip of coffee a pause to pray, good morning God thanks for this day” mug. And the coffee DOES taste better when I drink it out of one of those!

    I am thinking your trip will give you a lot of material for blogs. 🙂

    My plans for the weekend is to have my husband take down all the Christmas decorations (although it is 1:18 pm Sat and he hasn’t started) . I took a few down this week as they fell off the oh-so-dead-my-branches-are-pointing-downward tree. Since he works such long hours all week long, I also want to make sure he gets a lot of rest and relaxation, so I am not saying anything — yet.

    I won’t have to, I’ll just get up and start hopping around and that will get him started.

    I think since you had THREE trees you are doing very well only have one up still.

    My comment is longer than your post, but, oh well, that happens sometimes, huh?



  7. Maddy

    Can’t wait to see what picture you decide to feature from your trip! No plans this weekend, unless you count cleaning my closet plans 🙂 But I’m loving the much needed break! Have a great one!


  8. My “happy” today – I’m back! Well, at least for tonight. I loved getting to catch up on a months worth of posts. I have MISSED your joy and enthusiasm. Andy leaves for training in just a few weeks, and things will be much calmer then. For now, I spend most my time with him, and sneak off to read when I can. I will be back – I promise!


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