Instead of……What a Crappy Day Post

Instead of a post about what a crappy day I had, and how text messages get misread, information shared gets misunderstood, and no matter how hard you try – technology will never be a good replacement for face-to-face speaking.

How remote offices leave you more remote, and misplaced than anything in the world, because you really don’t belong anywhere….. and how it doesn’t really matter, because if we all died tomorrow? What difference does one day like today make? And I guess it doesn’t. And that is okay. Because I am not posting about that.

What I will post about? A little boy named Mason. I took his one-year portraits and guess what? I got to do his eighteen-month portraits as well.

And man, can that boy light up the world with his smile! It’s hard to be upset about a day when you have these to edit.

Now how can this not make a day better?

Tomorrow is a new day.

Love, Light, and Peace to you.
From this day on, and all days through.
Words can break, and people too.
But baby smiles will pull you through.

14 thoughts on “Instead of……What a Crappy Day Post

  1. Sandy Larnard

    Dear friend….I can’t express how much I appreciate you taking pictures of Mason. I don’t get to see him to much now with Jamie going to school full time and working. Mason’s smile and laughter brings so much joy to this grandmother that lives so far away. I cherish each precious photo that you have taken and the time that you have given to do this for Jamie, Mason and myself. If you have photos of him with the girls I’d love to see them as well…..they bring joy to my heart as well because they are a part of you and Jason. You have a gift with your camera and thanks again for sharing that gift with us.


    1. Jason

      It’s not often that we get to shift the chromosome balance back towards Y. 🙂 Jamie and Mason were a blast and the girls and I loved having them over. I’m sure another play-date is in store!


  2. Yeah, no way can you be in a bad mood after those pictures. What an adorable little boy!

    Like you said…in the grand scheme of things what’s ONE crappy day? {{{{Angelia}}}} Here’s hoping today erases the memories of the crappiness of yesterday.


  3. Yes, how can they not make a day better? Lovely pics…and I’ve always said you should NEVER text anyone about something important, simply because it can be taken in completely the wrong way!

    Enjoy the journey.



  4. This Italian Family

    Sorry you had a crummy day. That’s no fun. 😦 But you’re right, that little boy certainly brings a little sunshine to the day. I especially love that last shot of him! 🙂


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