The Peeks and Boos of Averey at Nine Months Old

© 2014 Angelia's Photography

Nine months old. I’ll let that sink in a bit.


Hard to believe, isn’t it? This girl is in flirting distance of her ONE YEAR Birthday. What?!

She is on the brink of cruising, crawling, and yes, walking. Gulp!

It is astounding how quickly this is all happening. I think God’s sense humor is a little twisted. He is playing a cruel joke on all the Grandmas’ out there.

Oh, hey! You down there? Yes, you. The one old enough to be a Grandmother? You know…because your child has grown up enough to be a MOTHER of her own. Well, guess what? As fast as your kid grew up, her kid is going to grow up even faster! Isn’t that fun?!?! Weeeeee! Try to keep up Granny! HA HA HA!

So, yeah, funny guy. He gives us this little glimpse of heaven in the form of an infant, then speeds it all up in a flurry of baby rolls and gummy grins.

She is worth every second though. Each moment I spend with her, I can’t wait for the next. Then I have to go back and cherish the ones I had. I just don’t want to miss them or rush past them. Such is the life of being a Grandma.

And cute baby is still very small (only about 16lbs). She wears six month clothes (and newborn shoes). But still so much bigger than the 5lbs she started with.

We have taken her photo every month. We plan the outfits and the settings. We pick a date and marvel over the time zooming by.

It is fun and quite precious.

This month, I want to share the peeks and boos of baby Averey at nine months old.


She loves to clap.

And with great joy. Happy clapping with lots of smiles.

Averey waves (although not always on command).

She squeals in a freakishly high girly voice and she hums.

Says, “DaDa, MaMa, Lala and Haha.”

She moves to the beat when a good song comes on.

She loves selfies on her Mama’s iPhone.

She is more mobile than ever going from tummy to back, back to front, from sitting to belly, and belly to sitting. This girl is starting to figure it all out. Pulling up does happen once and again, too.

Averey loves to eat bananas.

She clicks her tongue and squints her eyes.

She laughs when you say, “Ouch!” Hmmmm…this one scares me a bit.

She loves silly songs and seeing herself in the mirror.


She does NOT love shoes.

She does NOT love apricots.

She does NOT love hats.

She, especially, does NOT love naps.

She doesn’t want to miss a thing. Not even to sleep. Her eyes are going every second.

But of course, out of all her peeks and all her boos, there is one thing that always makes me smile the biggest.

Averey’s adoration of her Auntie Bri.

I’d say nine months have bonded them for life.

Looking forward to the next nine.

Happy Wednesday!

30 thoughts on “The Peeks and Boos of Averey at Nine Months Old

  1. “We have taken her photo every month. We plan the outfits and the settings. We pick a date and marvel over the time zooming by.

    It is fun and quite precious.”

    Angelia, I think it’s so awesome that you do that!

    And OMG…Avery is soooooooooo precious!!!!!!

    (((((((( Avery )))))))

    Beautiful photographs, Angelia!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, she is turning 8 yrs old this month. When I met her, she had just turned two! When I saw the photo of them both, my heart thumped, and all I could think was….my BABIES! They are growing too fast.


  2. Whoa! It feels just like yesterday. 🙂 I still remember your awesome delivery moment post and now it’s been 9 months. Don’t you wish for time to slow down? … then again maybe not. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Yes, I do! But I don’t seem to have a choice in the matter. It is whizzing by and I am just getting older and older while my GRANDchild is getting bigger and bigger. 😀 I’m sure I’ll be gray-headed in no time. 🙂


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