Room to Bounce

In March, we took the girls to Oklahoma to visit my mom for her 72nd Birthday. It’s not a far trip (only about 3 hours) and we usually make a day out of it.

This trip we spent time at my brother’s house, too. He has a step-daughter in between Molly and Bridget’s age. And guess what she has in her backyard?

A trampoline.

Of course the girls LOVED it.

They bounced and bounced and bounced.

In fact, I had to make them get off so we could head back to Texas.

But it got me thinking…..What if they had room to bounce at OUR house? What if they had room to bounce at their MOM’s house?

What if I got the youngest to ask for a TRAMPOLINE for her birthday!

A plan was born and all I had to do was *insert idea* in the little ones brain.

I’ve heard she has worked on it (with BOTH parents!).

Can you blame her?

A girl needs room to bounce!

At the end of this month, we shall see if my our devious plan worked.

Not that I would take over a kid’s trampoline, or anything? Heh.

Check out more posts with room here at the The Daily Post Weekly Photo Challenge.

27 thoughts on “Room to Bounce

    1. Yes! When I was younger we had a trampoline in the gymnastics room at school. Lots of kids doing flips and rolls. So much fun! I guess they have trampoline places now where you pay and your kid gets to bounce on all of them. Isn’t that crazy? Times have sure changed. 🙂 HA.


  1. Pingback: WEEKLY PHOTO CHALLENGE: Room | Nola Roots, Texas Heart

  2. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge-Room | WoollyMuses

  3. Pingback: A room of my own | Words & Pics

  4. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Room | Thinking aloud….

  5. Okay, that looked like SO MUCH FUN!!!! Wheeeeeeeee! 🙂

    Your pictures reminded me of a scene in the movie, “Big”, with Tom Hanks, when he and his girlfriend bounced on a trampoline in his apartment!

    Great captures, Angelia!

    Liked by 1 person

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