Wordless(ful) Wednesday: Storm Chasing

First of all, I missed trick-or-treating with my five and seven-year old stepdaughters.

Believe me, I missed a LOT!

They have the greatest neighborhood for trick-or-treating. Lots, and lots of little kids (and parents), all dressed up – super cute. Everyone heads out at the same time, walking the four or five streets in big masses.

If you are my age, it’s just like the neighborhood in the movie, E.T. Phone home! Phone home! It’s really awesome and incredibly fun.

But, I had class. Yes, I could have missed it……however…….I entrusted my mega camera to my dear husband. I said, “Just put on AUTO mode, and you will be fine.”

As far as I can tell, he used SHUTTER mode. I don’t even use Shutter mode. I can’t for the life of me imagine how S is confused with AUTO on the dial, but I digress…..

Here are the photos from the night – taken by sweet husband – who is normally very good with my camera (in AUTO mode). VERY GOOD. Thank-you honey for taking the camera. Please pardon the blurry ones.

These are way too good to miss, heh!

Can you guess what step daughter number one is?

If you guessed, F3 tornado from Oklahoma? You would be correct!

Or maybe she is just a tornado, but let an Okie girl have her fun, mkay?

Step daughter number two is a bug weather fairy. I think….. I mean she has rain boots on (and lord knows we need lots of that!). I adore her pretty wings!

They traipsed around the neighborhood (or swirled, or flew, or blasted?).

I’m surprised no one was taking cover in the closet! She totally should have carried a siren with her.

This is my favorite part of the Halloween documentation photos and where I get to say….Jason is storm chasing! HA. I crack myself up!

Look out! A tornado is heading for a house and some kids! Take cover! Ahhhh!

Give me some candy or you’ll end up on the other side of town. WHOOSH!!!

Here we have, funnel cloud in motion, not to be confused with funnel cake. Totally different, but I’m hungry, so I could confuse?

Look out little fairy! You are going to blow away! WHOOOSH!!

I have to give props to their mom for a very UNIQUE costume this year. She makes them by hand (seriously…wow!) every year.

I don’t think I have ever seen a tornado costume before, especially one as cute as her. Where is a contest when you need one?

And for the best news of all, the weather fairy said we should have more rain and cooler temps soon. Yay!

This (I swear!) is my last Halloween post, but I saved the best for last, right?

Snowpocalypse 2011: Coming to a Superbowl near you.

It’s here! (well, almost)

Apocalypse Snow Storm

The weather map at current posting time shows the beginning nibbles of a HONGRY snow! It’s coming to storm your town and make history!

Like our Snowpocalypse last year, remember that?

Yes, it really happened. We made history last year February 2010 - 12 1/2 inches in twenty-four hours in North Central Texas (Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex).

I think there will be records that eat that one for breakfast, right Chicago?

Anyway, I have properly stocked up on Chocolate Cherrios, Little Debbie Oatmeal Pies, and those mini chocolate donuts (don’t judge).

I eagerly watch the temperature thermometer like a TJ Maxx opening day sale. Drop, drop, drop.

It’s not just for a snow day…..really! I want it to freeze BEFORE I go to work. I do not want my “fiction” story to be based on actual events.

It’s all highway bridges through downtown Fort Worth, and no…….the sand truck won’t help. See they misjudge here, they are not sand/salt road experts. They prematurely sand the streets (wet). It freezes. SOLID. It’s really unhelpful. They may realize their mistake and sand again, but with three trucks? It could take a while. In the meantime, the cars will mount up on the incline of the bridges, unable to reach the top, and begin sliding BACKWARDS (while spinning out) right into where your car is sitting with cars behind you. See what I am saying? It’s ice bumper cars (I’m talking to you Wisconsin-Pittsburgh Superbowl visitors).

Yes, a master can drive on slick streets, on sanded streets even, but not here. Mkay?

Stay inside. Eat your oatmeal pies. Grab an icicle lollipop, and make some snow cream. It’s Party Snowpocalypse 2011.

And if it gets too much, too cold, too brittle, too dark, too desperate and you run out of oatmeal pies? Just think happy beach thoughts. The power of positive thinking, yes?

A beach day-dream in winter.
Bridget- Galveston Beach – November 2010