Weekly Photo Challenge: Geometry

When I first read the weekly challenge, I thought phhhhhhhhhfttttttt!

Math, yeah right, like I am going to attempt that.

But then! I read the words patterns and rhythms: shapes, art, and subjects. And I thought, “Okay, maybe….I overreacted.”

No need to break out the calculator embarrassing myself with figures and numbers.

What I can do is take you downtown. To one of my favorite places….Fort Worth, Texas.

There are some interesting shapes for sure………

The Convention Center is a great shape. This gal knows how to work some curves. Heh.

Then, you have unique.

A blend of stature, revere, and holy beauty. I didn’t catch the cross reflections in the glass building (far left side) until I uploaded this image. It is magnificent.

In steep tradition, Fort Worth uses bricks to pave the street known as Main. It gives such an antique feel to the surroundings. Reminds me of history, the covered-wagon kind. Standing still on the brick, I can almost hear the clop of hooves…..

Another beautiful blend of old and new with reflection. Ah, poignant!

And here, in Sundance Square, we can measure our moments with a little style.

After that, we can admire the natural glow of sun-spheres on our lovely Texas State Flag.

And this? This is the view at the end of Main alllll the way down to the charming Fort Worth courthouse.

So there you have it, not just a mishmash of numbers, but a heartbeat of where the East ends and the West begins.

Want more geometry? Come see what they are sharing at the The Daily Post Weekly Photo Challenge.

31 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge: Geometry

  1. pattisj

    Great photos! Fort Worth is a beautiful city, I’ve never seen photos of it before. Thanks for sharing. I thought I might have to take a picture of a math book!


  2. I always love your photos, it’s like the crisp of a Nacho ummmm 🙂
    Love the church and the cross reflection to show it is always Him and the flags and how it stands proud and the clock that reminds us how time is so precious.


  3. Excellent variety of geometric shapes, Angelia!

    The contrasts in architecture are really awesome.

    I love them all, but the fifth photo down really caught my eye because I adore reflection shots.

    Well done!


  4. laura@eljaygee

    You’ve gone ‘ east of the sun and west of the moon’ on this one – I got stuck in angles but you slipped through with some slick shapes and colo(u)rs! Love the cross reflection and all those apexes in the church


  5. karenclanderson

    You have such an eye! My fave is the one with the cloud reflection in the building! One is so “concrete” and square and hard, and solid and the other is so ephemeral and soft.


  6. Oh! The cloud reflection on the building….great catch! I would love to visit TX someday. And if I’m ever in your area, you have to promise me we’ll meet up and we can take pictures around your beautiful city 🙂


  7. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Geometry (5) « What's (in) the picture?

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