
Exciting news!!!

Ok, it’s actually not me (was that a mean trick?).  My sister got engaged. Apparently, she texted me a picture of her ring but I haven’t updated my iPhone for text pictures. I never answered her, and finally my mom spilled the beans. Good thing my sister called me, because I was all perturbed and stuff. *WHAT??? SHE DIDN’T TELL ME???? HMMMPHHFF*

Well, but, she kinda did? Don’t you think technology is cursing us? I was reading an article about how news is spread via Facebook to family members, quite often, before they can tell the news themselves. They read the news on someone’s wall or see the relationship status change in their news feed, then call other family members and friends to gossip tell them what’s going on. The family is surprised; why wasn’t I told?  It can cause a lot of hard feelings when it wasn’t meant to. Wedding pictures being uploaded before the bride and groom can even share them. Babies born at the hospital. The list goes on and on. You get the idea. This relates to my sister, telling me she is engaged by text,  basically because she is not on Facebook. HA.

So, I didn’t get it and sent her a text.

TEXT: Mom spilled the beans (you know better to tell her a secret). Is this for real? Is it pretty? I wanna know everything!

All mom told me was that she had a ROCK. *oooookkkkaaayyyy seriously…. date,  details,  nope  just a ROCK*

My sister calls me with “the news”  just after I had talked to Jason,  Monday Sep. 28. To say I was a bit distracted?? That would be an understatement. Here is how the conversation went, with Jason, not my sister. Not yet anyway.  (follow me here!)


J: Hey, babe, what are you doing?

A: Hey, I am sitting in traffic. Cowboys game tonight and it’s NUTS! People everywhere already! Holy smokes! They are parking all the way up Collins by the Sushi Zone. I just saw a bicycle pulling a BUGGY. I had to take a picture, too funny.

J: Yeah, about that, I got an email from a friend, whose company has extra tickets to the game tonight.

A: Really?? Wow! *This is only the most talked about game since…forever….the first Monday night Cowboys game at the new stadium*

J: Well, we have dance class tonight and it’s so last minute. We probably shouldn’t……..

A: Huh?  *WHAT??* Are you serious? Listen, why don’t you call them and see if they still have them. Seriously, we may never get to a Cowboys game on our own. Too expensive! My gosh, we have time to take that dance class again. CALL THEM.

J: Ok,  I’ll call you back.

THEN– My sister calls.

Am I ever distracted, I am a phone call away from a Cowboys game. She is telling me about the very sweet, very dear, and very Godly engagement. It is beautiful. I am happy for her. It is a surprise, somewhat, I mean when she insisted her guy meet mom and the family soon, like before they ended up meeting him at the wedding. Yeah, well, we kinda knew. But still….wasn’t  sure she’d jump back into marriage so soon after her marriage ended of over TWENTY years. Nevertheless, in my pending anxiousness,  I am enjoying the sweet story, when Jason calls back.

“Uhhhh, HOLD ON!”, I switch to Jason.

J: Hey, he is at the Sheraton and they are getting ready to walk to the game. He has two tickets. How close are you? *I have not moved in over five minutes-Yes!

A: I can be there in five.

I basically make a U, and rocket to the Sheraton. At this point, I actually have to hang up with my sister and call her back because, the Sheraton is charging to park for the Cowboys game. I don’t need to park, I only need to pull up and snag me some tickets. *FREE TICKETS. Ahhhh!*

No prob, they let me pass through. Now, I don’t know this guy from Adam. I am waiting at the front doors in my car. I see a guy walking towards me. He is smiling. He opens my door, drops two game tickets and two parking passes in my seat and says, “Enjoy! See you at the game.” *My hero!*

I swear my buggy eyes must have bugged out even more. I thank him profusely. He shuts the door and I glance down at laminated tickets. Ring of Honor suite. $125.00 a piece.  Ohhh. Mmm. Geee.  *yeah, I have 15yr old*

I had to call my sister back, I was navigating the car, as quick as I could to Jason’s the back routes. Giddy. FREAKING OUT. I couldn’t believe this! Wow!

She answers, “Oh, uhhh, hi sis, where were we?????”.  What’s really going through my head? *I am going to the COWBOYS GAME tonight* We talk a little longer. I have no idea what else she said. I remember the important part, SHE’S ENGAGED!  Hopefully, she remembers how excited I was,  for UM her. Yeah. *I’m going to the GAME!!!!!*

Tickets/GOLD/Keepsakes/Memories/Freebies. Whatever you want to call them. Mine, oh sweetness,  mine.

Walking to the GAME! This place is ginormous! We missed the kick off but not by much. The parking pass was off Randol Mill Road, to the west of Collins. Any of you game goers, let me give you a tip. PARK HERE. It is, by far, the best place.  Parking here you can go West on Randol Mill and hit any number of freeways when the game is over. Any other direction you are in standstill traffic. News flash, the lots closest to the stadium are the worst. The street is backed up for miles and you can’t even get OUT.

Jason’s FIRST ever Cowboys game. Uhhhh , hun?  It’s usually not this awesome.  Just so you know!

The WORLD’s LARGEST TV. To a child that was raised on TV, I gotta admit-I was awestruck. I wanted to sit right in front of it. (ha)

Ring of Honor,suite #?? can’t remember, doesn’t even matter. Club level, take the stairs by the chandelier UP. FREE drinks. FREE food. FREE programs. FREE hats. Boiled shrimp the size of my HAND. Chicken pizza, wings, and taquitos. Private bathroom. Not to mention, two Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders came by and took photos with everyone.

Just after the Cowboys FIRST WIN in the new stadium. Just to the left in the picture, the ESPN guys were set up doing their show live on the field.

What an amazing night. How that fell into our lap is still unbelievable.  The inside of that stadium IS exactly what everyone is talking about. This place is larger than life. Cooler than an Eskimo’s nose. It should be a world wonder! I was in wonder the whole time.

I couldn’t help but look at Jason, brow furrowed, “Babe, you were going to go to DANCE class?”

He says to me, “Yes, because that’s what I thought YOU wanted to do.”

That’s why I love him, so selfless. He LOVES the Cowboys. Always watches the games and he would have gave that up for me? To dance a dance we have no plans of dancing for a long time.  He would have missed this opportunity for my happiness?  Really?  Incredible!    *Is he CRAZY?*

I said, “That’s why I love you, but I wouldn’t have let you do that.”    *no way, no how*

He looks back at  me, smiling, “And that’s, why I love YOU.”

Don’t you love a happy ending? Great game. Precious memories. Even more precious? Knowing the heart of a person is for you,  and you for them.

“Remember the best relationship,  is one in which your love for each other, exceeds your need for each other.” -unknown.

May you engage yourself today in selfless gestures of love,  that you will never forget.

*****Congratulations Deedy and Roger, June 12, 2010******

10 thoughts on “Engaged!!!

    1. HA! I bet! The Texas Motor Speedway here is BIG deal. Thing about that stadium is they’ve been building it since 2006. This last year I’ve worked right by it. Seeing it every day. Watched men on the ROOF, they looked like ants up there. It’s been this constant monstrosity for far too long. Glad I FINALLY got to see in side that sucker!! lol.


  1. Peggy Nolan

    Honestly, if someone was handing me FREE tickets to the Patriots, I’d be all over that in a big way (in fact, I begged for free tickets in 2006 when that Pats played a home game on my birthday…and got them…go me!)

    Congratulations to your sister and her lucky guy 😉 (And yes, you’re next!!)



  2. Sounds like a sweet football game. I’m not much of a fan, but I love going for fun. I like the first point you brought up about people finding things out via social media and being perturbed because they would have rather found out personally. I think this happens all the time and is happening more and more.

    I got caught in just a situation once. When I found out the sex of my daughter when I was pregnant I was so excited. The first thing I did when I got home was put it in my Facebook status ‘It’s a girl!!!!!!’. My best friend called me that night livid, saying ‘seriously? I had to find that out on Facebook instead of you *telling* me?’ I felt terrible.


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