Christmas Dreams

Christmas Dreams 2009

It started as a wonder wisp,
a dream of pure white snow.
How lovely would a Christmas be,
if magic were to flow.

It came aboard a gusty wind,
riding high and low.

It left a wake of sparkling joy,
as it was so long ago.

Innocently pure and sweet,
was the babe we came to know.

Stillness pierced on the land.
The sun rays beam aglow.

Dawn departs,
new crystal tears,
exuberantly they flow.

I dreamed of pure white houses.

Laden with sugar delight.

I dreamed of candy cane hearts
to beat at love’s first sight.

I dreamed of gifts you can not price,
no value to their worth.

I dreamed of sugar fairies.

Merry on the earth.

I dreamed of families gathered.

A Christmas carol bliss.
To capture every moment,
where nothing is amiss.

I dreamed of laughing faces,
cheeriness in leaps and bounds.

I dreamed of a wondrous Christmas.

A dream completely astound.

I wish for every dream be true.
Sincere and full of grace.
Let heavens kiss gently press,
a light upon your face.

Most of you know, I am not a poet. Sometimes what comes out is the language of the heart. My heart was so filled up this Christmas. It overflowed. It radiated. It beamed bright spotlights. It couldn’t have been more perfect. I didn’t ask for a memorable Christmas. But I got it.

I hope you did too.

36 thoughts on “Christmas Dreams

  1. Holly-Thank you, I did write this. I would have been writing a book to describe everything that happened. I thought a poem could sum up how precious it was in shorter form. We had a WHITE Christmas here in Texas. UnHEARD of. In fact, I can’t remember ever having a white Christmas. It was only an inch but filled me with giddiness. Hope your Christmas was wonderful. 🙂


  2. Beautiful poem and lovely pics. Thanks for sharing your wonderful white Christmas.

    I just came from Zombie Mommy blog, also talking about her adventures with the Texas miricale of snow on Christmas. Unfortuely it didn’t make it down here. Just super cold!


  3. Peggy Nolan

    Brilliant, amazing, full of grace…I loved your poem and I get how poems flow through you to reach the paper (or keyboard!) I never “think” about my poems. They just happen.



  4. Wow. The pictures complimented the poem perfectly! Glad you had such a beautiful christmas!! We had a white one too, but that’s not that unusual in Illinois! Have a wonderful New Year!



  5. hello there lovely lady!
    i meant to comment last week on your fantastic engagement and adorable christmas photos! congratulations! 🙂 and beautiful ring. sounds perfect and i know you’ll be happy!
    as always your girls are beautiful and christmas sounds like it was great for you.
    i have heat now!
    internet is coming on wednesday!
    i also have a working tv, pretty decent sized so i can at least watch my movies now. 🙂
    writers are all poets in their own way. and the weaving of the words and photos is wonderful 🙂
    hope this finds you well!


  6. Angelia, this is so inspiring As I read it, I was waiting for an author’s name or something to give me a hint. It’s pretty dog-gone amazing, it is. (That’s the way we talk in Georgia 🙂
    The picture of the girls laying on the floor at the Christmas tree is beautiful. I’d put it in a little frame to hang on the tree year after year.
    The idea of snow for Christmas never enters our minds over here. It was 63 degrees on Christmas day. Not very Christmas-like, but we made it a wonderful, beautiful occasion. Now we’re looking at New Year’s. I hope yours is a special one. You’ve got a big year coming up,huh?


  7. Suzicate-Thank you! I appreciate your comment. My soul sister!

    Carol-Thanks for reading and commenting. Wow, it’s nice you would say that.

    Jenny-Thank you so much. They are my future step kids and I couldn’t be prouder.

    Heather-It was a miracle!

    Rachel-Thank you so much! I wrote a few poems in high school but nothing since til now.

    Deiala-I agree. It’s a wonderful tribute to my memories.

    Lance-Thank you. That’s what I was hoping for. Your kindness is always outreaching, I adore it.

    Blond Duck– Thank you! Happy New Year to you and I am SOOOO happy we are twinkies (not surprised either). We definitely share a love of cookies.

    Peggy-What wonderful words! Wow! I am so glad you liked it. The first part flowed, but the rest was a little squeaky. Ha.

    Sandy-Love ya back! Thinking of you and praying.

    Mindy-Haha, you always make me laugh. Thanks Mindy!

    Jael-100th post for the 2010 New Year and my 10-10-10 wedding day. It’s definitely going to be quite a year! Lots of 10’s and zeros.

    Spot-You are lucky to have white Christmas’s it was BEAUTIFUL! I’ll never forget it. So good to see you! I have missed your humor and wit.

    nothingprofound-They have and they will. I will never stop dreaming.

    Belleringer-I’m thrilled you are getting settled in. Thank you for the lovely compliments. There is truth to all writers being poets. I guess it all depends on how you view it.

    marfmom-Thank you! I really tried to do something nice. I appreciate you coming by. Hope you, Mark and that sweet baby boy have a wonderful New Year.

    Jenny-Thank you so much. You are so gifted with your pictures. I am amazed by what you do and your talent.

    Weezer-Three days earlier it was 75 degrees here. Truly amazing to have a white one. That photo under the tree, I was trying some different shooting modes. I LOVED how it turned out.

    Christy-Thank you Christy!

    Tasneem R-I think they will be. Sometimes, it’s all about how memorable and happy you make them be. I am the WHOLE Christmas tree. Thank you for that! That just tickled me to death. 😀

    Toni-Thank you! Nice to see you pop in.

    JDaniel4-Thank you so much! It’s not easy to paint pictures. I bow my head to all the great artists out there.

    Danielle-Thank you! That was a tradition from my mom. We always made lots of snow and icing. The girls did one and I did one. So much fun! We have eaten them now. HA.

    Happy New Year everyone! Thank you so much for coming by. I jump for joy at every single comment. I appreciate you taking the time.


  8. Pingback: Highlights of my Year – 2009 « Living, Loving, Laughing…..

  9. You are a prolific writer- in prose and poem. Congratulations! I see a a blissful life through your family pictures. May you continue to receive these blessings with Jason, the kids, and all your very loving extended families, everyday of your life.

    I salute you friend in your resolve to live a very colorful and happy life in all awesome pleasantries!


  10. Mommy Bear-Thank you! My goal is to one day write a poem and have pictures like the ones you take to match it. You are an incredible photographer!

    Lita-Thank you dear, I do have blissful life. Sometimes, it’s more than I deserve.

    Jaymie-That is an ASTOUNDING comment coming from you. A very, very talented poet and creatist!

    calliopespen-Awh! Thank YOU! It’s the likes of you, Jaymie, and Bliss that inspire inside what we hide.


  11. Pingback: Old Man Winter Bombs North Central Texas « Living, Loving, Laughing…..

  12. Pingback: Christmas in a Snow Globe « Living, Loving, Laughing…..

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