The Bunny Grinch that Stole Easter

Somewhere around 1971……

He is still at large waiting to steal your baskets and pretty colored eggs. Or at least scare your toddlers. Watch out folks!

These are my favorite Easter pics taken of my brothers, and sister before I was born. Seriously, do you blame the kid? LOOK at that huge spooky Easter Bunny! Where did they find the costumes back then? HA HA.

Hope the Easter Grinch didn’t visit your house.

Wishing you joy, laughter and praise! Happy Easter & Happy Hunting!

53 thoughts on “The Bunny Grinch that Stole Easter

  1. It is so cute, to see the baby look up and then realizing where he is and then bursting into tears. Poor, poor thing.

    Have a blessed Easter with your family, my friend!


  2. Mom

    Than you for digging in your heals and writing and sharing with others.  I can not say I love one of you more than the other.  I always wanted four, two boys and two girls.  I got my wish and it has been such a wonderful ride.   I know you have had a wonderful Easter and you have made mine wonderful also.  I didn’t know about the pictures with the Bunny Grinch,  poor Lonnie!  It’s a great life and I’m glad I took so many pictures and had so many made.  Hugs, and love all around.  I am so proud of all of you.  Love Mom, Grandma and friend


    1. Mom-I can’t believe you got pictures like this so long ago. I guess I know where my love of capturing moments came from. Through the lens and through words. Thank you for the gift of life moments, here and now, and from the past. I can always smile knowing what a blessing that is. Love you!


  3. Chuckle! Yes, pretty scary looking bunny. Love the classic photo. I still get a laugh at the mall with the Easter bunny and little ones just screaming bloody murder in the lap of some HUGE bug eyed and big earred bunny. Mine did not take to it very well either. Wishing you a wonderful Easter!


  4. Gah! Looks like little bro was ultimately forced to succumb to his own creepy bunny mask. It’s a wonder we children were able to sleep at night knowing all these creatures like giant bunnies, tooth-collecting fairies, and fat bearded men were breaking and entering our homes–such faith we had…or did we just hope the gifts would be worth it 🙂 I adore childhood photos; thanks for sharing!


    1. thefallenmonkey-I sent my brothers an email with this post. I asked one, “Are you still scared of the Easter bunny?” To the other one I said, “Did you join the bunny mafia that year?” LOL. He looks so serious and then he has the mask. Cracks me up.


  5. HAHAHA!! Love it!! the sequence of pictures is what makes this HILARIOUS!! I love the mask at the end too… how brilliant is that?! lol. Happy Easter!

    And thanks for visiting my blog today! I’m glad it brought me here! 🙂


    1. Peg-I think he wanted to keep scaring little brother by playing Bunny Grinch. Looked like the Bunny Mafia to me! HA. HA. Old pictures and kids are so much fun.

      Thank You for my award! YAY!


    1. Terre-Thanks! I couldn’t believe how perfect the sequence was. My mom must have been snapping away. The crying pic was blurry, so she must have jumped when he let out a wail. LOL.


    1. Mindy-I don’t know….Jack was a Halloween fan wasn’t he? LOL. It’s kinda weird how the place looks dark and I don’t know what kind of curtain they have hanging up back there or draped over something? Really spooky!


  6. Peggy Nolan

    That Easter Bunny scares the crap outta me! Can you believe I tortured my kids when they were little!! And I’m certain they will torture my grand babies!!



  7. OMG! At least the Grinch is lovable in his own way. This bunny is spooky as hell. I picture him in one of those horror movies like “Halloween” or something.

    Very funny.

    The third picture down is the funniest w/ the babe looking up and wondering WTF!!


    1. One of the Guys-I think it’s the deadpan human eyes looking out through the mask. Jeepers Creepers! HA.

      It was cute he was just getting his jig on then, woah dude…”Waaaah!!!”


  8. And that is why I haven’t ever taken my girls to sit in the Easter Bunny’s lap. We just walk by and wave. Because *I* am freaked out by those big bunnies!! (P.S. I was born in ’76 and had an outfit similar to your sister’s there. Except mine was a pants suit — and I swear to you I think it was a mini-leisure suit. I was a fashion failure before I was even four!)


  9. Much More Than Mommy-Somehow I think there is a telling picture in your past about WHY you are afraid of the Easter Bunny. HA! HA!

    I was checking her out her little “suit”. She was quite the stylish little 8 yr old. Had the gloves and everything. If you had a similar suit, you must have had it going on! 🙂


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