Farm in the City

Most of my time on the computer, lately, has evolved around photo and video projects. Let’s just say nicely, that I severely LACK in this technology. I am trying to learn it, hence, mucho involvement of trial and error. In the end I’m frustrated and STILL lack what I wanted to get done. But I will NOT give up.

One project has been to embed a slide show on my blog post. So far, Picasa takes you to their website. Whrrl would not show up. I’m sure there is some HTML code I am lacking to make it magically appear. Hopefully, at the end of this post something will appear. Even if you end up at Picasa.

Does anyone remember their first horse ride? I remember mine was around age 11-12. My brother’s best friend had horses. He had a twin sister and I went over to ride horses with her. She saddled him up and gave me a few pointers – keep in mind we are tweens here – instructor she wasn’t. Well, it was a couple of walk steps on the horse nice and easy, then the horse started to trot. It bounced me from here to kingdom come. I was desperately holding on for dear life – terrified. No pulling of the reins or hollering in a screeching HO BOY seemed to work.

Needless to say my riding career ended. Thankyouverymuch.

I had a more peaceful experience on a trail ride several years ago. No trotting and I got to see lots of beautiful countryside scenery. Still a little scary for me on a horse though.

Jason’s girls, my future step-angels, got to ride their FIRST horse this past weekend. A neighbor to them was having her 5th birthday. The place was a farm just down the road from their house. What a jewel of a site in the middle of our great metroplex, I was amazed. It was fresh, lively and fun. I had a BLAST with my camera.

I do hope the “slide show” appears in some form. Yes, I’m getting pretty good with my honking camera. I took a lot of pictures of the girls and of the birthday girl. The birthday girl is not on the slide show, but I did send them to the parents. They want to get copies to PRINT out. That makes me feel pretty good. What an honor.

Click on slide show from Picasa website towards the top left for best view. Sigh! No embed sorry! Enjoy the photos.

River Farm Fun

38 thoughts on “Farm in the City

  1. Wow! What a nice girls are they! You captured their happiness very well. How old are they? (Sorry I forgot). I remember my first horseback ride really well. It was not that terrifying. When I was 18 years, I went with a friend two Spain, and we did a day trip horse back riding in the mountains. Can you imagine, two unexperienced girls. That was pretty scary. Those small mountain paths with all those horses and their bigs heads next to your thighs! Brrrrrrrr….


    1. Ellen-The oldest is 5 and will be 6 next month and the younger one is 3 and will be 4 in June. When I met them, they were 2 and 4! They have grown up sooo much. They were VERY shy when I first met them and now -just look at them on the horse- no fear, no shyness. I am so proud of them!

      OMYGOSH! I love your first horse ride story. I can’t imagine how scary. Ahhhh! You did well. πŸ™‚ Thanks for sharing!


  2. Angelia,
    The pictures are GREAT!! Everyone looks so happy!! (just like your first time, right Angelia!!) I had a pony when I grew up, so we used to ride him all over. I remember getting thrown off, having him lay down while we were riding, and getting kicked (sounds pretty great, doesn’t it!!). It really was a lot of fun. And then I had friends who also had horses, so we would ride them, too. It’s been a long time…wow!! I wonder if it’s time to get the cowboy boots back out!

    And…hmmm….any plans for you, Angelia….you know, just for old time’s sake…to get back in the saddle???

    Have a GREAT weekend!


    1. Lance-TOO FUNNY! You really had a pony growing up? Awh! This was a full size horse. I think a pony might have been a wee less scary. You should definitely get those boots out!!

      As for me, I’ll be sitting it out. Even the last women’s retreat I declined the horse trail riding. I’m just a tad too uneasy still, but HEY at least I DID get back on the horse. πŸ˜€


  3. Sounds like fun… waiting for the slideshow to load… my computer is s l o w . . . πŸ™‚

    we grew up with horses so i can’t remember my first time but it must have been good cause i love to ride…


  4. Great pictures, sounds like you will be a great step mom! We have a blended family so I totally appreciate the relationship you guys have.
    I actually went to “horse camp” as a kid and on my first day a horse pooped on my foot. Not fun. I think I only made it through the first night.


    1. Mary-I wish I had been your step mom too! I can’t imagine…..I had the best example in the world. My step dad. He loved me like his very own. I would never treat my step kids any differently than he did me. It gave my life great meaning. I hope to pass that on. Hugs to you Mary- that sucks. 😦


    1. Life with Kaishon-At one time I KNEW way more HTML but, alas, that is no more. I could STUDY but then I wouldn’t have time to blog! HA! So glad there is another like me out there. πŸ™‚


  5. First, omg, those girls are sooo adorable! Great pics!

    Second, try for slide shows. They are fun to make and they give you the html code to post in your blog.

    Third, my first horse experience was at Girl Scout Camp when I was 10. My horse bolted and nearly threw me, then when they made us all take care of the horses after the ride he stepped on my foot and tried to bite me! Luckily, I gave horses another chance and went on the best trail ride ever in Scotland. Although, my seven yr old sisters pony stepped in a hole on the trail, stumbled and she somersaulted right off. It was too funny!! She got right back on though. My aunt has a farm, so my kids got to ride as toddlers.



    1. Doraz-WOW! What a nice compliment! Thank you! I took my first pictures of someone other than family this weekend. I think it went well. I had no idea I liked photography so much. πŸ™‚


  6. Oh Angelia, no wonder you had problems with Picasa, it is a Dutch site and thus you had to deal with double Dutch.
    Like Ellen, my one and only DONKEY ride was in the Pyrenees, on the border of southern French and Spain.
    I felt so humiliated that I got a donkey and NOT a horse. However the donkey did very well on the steep mountain trails next to ravines. The horses had to encouraged to get on with it. It was my last ride ever though, I rather walked in steep mountain terrain from then on.
    I also had enormous trouble to get onto the damn thing, in the end I had to be pushed onto it by some men.
    I am soooo pleased you were not there with your beloved camera.
    The pictures of the girls are bliss, you and Jason are creating wonderful family experiences.
    xox Wilma


    1. Wilma-Oh my goodness! How funny! I bet it was beautiful up there, donkey and all. What an experience. I think I would be SCARED TO DEATH on an animal on a steep mountain. Hiking is a GREAT idea! LOL.
      Love the story. πŸ™‚ Yes, I would have very much liked to photograph. HA.


    1. Much More Than Mommy-Thank you so much! I had a good time too. That calico goat was my friend! My mom had goats not too long ago and I just love em’. They are funny animals. They act like dogs – too cute!


  7. The pictures look great! And the girls seem to have had a lot of fun…
    I’ve been horse-riding pretty much of my “teen-time”, but I stopped because it was so time consuming. However, I really enjoyed it and would love to start again…


    1. Deiala-Sounds like a great experience you had! I have a feeling (at least seasonally) your new love of snowboarding took precedence. πŸ™‚ I bet it’d be fun to start again, let me know how it goes.


  8. What a fun day! You can see it all over their faces, nothing but smiles the whole time.

    Awesome pics! I’m kinda glad it didn’t do a slideshow, I would never have gotten it to load.


    1. Heather-I thought about that! I’m glad it didn’t either and that you got to see them. I thought it was the neatest place. I guess I will always be a country girl even if I can’t ride a horse. πŸ™‚


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