Wordful Wednesday: Engaging

Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

So why not try some engagement photos? My cousin Tasha on Sydney’s dad side volunteered herself and her fiance as my latest victims.
You read that right, my first husbands cousin. I hate the ex-in-law terms and will not use that for any of his family. Period. These are my friends and FAMILY. It doesn’t matter to me that we are not supposed to get along.

I adore her mother and sisters just as much and I adored meeting her future husband, Jason. They got to meet my Jason and the little girls. It was wonderful to see them and capture their happiness and future.

They drove several hours to do this photo shoot. They put up with us shopping for furniture when they arrived. Then driving across town to Southlake and not to mention over 100 degree temps. Plus, Sydney and I were both sick with the head cold crud. Oh, and Jason doesn’t like having his picture taken (heh!).

Despite all that? We had a lot of fun and a lot of laughs. I am very, very happy for them. They are a beautiful couple.

Tasha starts nursing school on Monday. If you could send her some good vibes, happy thoughts, and prayers. It is a HARD two years. They will get married after she is finished.

Thank-you so much and happy Wednesday!

*I am still offering free sessions to get practice and portfolio photos, if I decide to start a side business. Seriously, take advantage.*

25 thoughts on “Wordful Wednesday: Engaging

  1. These are beautiful. I love doing weddings. from engagement to leaving the reception.
    When you get your business going, can I come work for you? It’s a dream of mine.


  2. They are indeed a beautiful couple! Tasha has the sweetest smile.

    I am all for sticking with the former inlaws. As you know, I went to Mexico with my sister-out-law, her husband, and her entire family. We have been through so much together that we will always be close.


  3. Lovely!! I especially like the one of the flag in the background and in front of the fountain! Really beautiful work!

    I cannot believe your offering free sessions! That is awesome- your work already looks plenty professional to me! That said- if you ever want a mischievous elf of a subject I have one at the house that just turned two! Plus, I’d love to meet you!


  4. Lovely pictures! If I lived closer to TX I would certainly take you up on your offer.

    As far as the former in-laws go, I think the way that you are handling things is the way to go. I never refer to my former husband as my “x” – he is the father of my children. My husband actually gave my former a job, rented him an apt. at a reduced rate and when we had him to family parties it was a riot to see so many people uncomfortable around people showing consideration.
    I have never regretted the way we handled things, even when it WAS really hard…


  5. Aw, congrats to them. You have a wonderful eye, these photos are lovely. If you lived in Florida, I’d take you up on your offer. Your pictures will only get better. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by today.


  6. What a great post. I love that you’re so adamantly set against giving in to doing anything that will destroy good relationships. What a great example.

    These pictures are fabulous! If I lived close enough (and actually had a boyfriend, of course) I would be on your doorstep signing up.

    This couple looks like they’d be so nice to get to know. I wish them all my best.


  7. Blessed couple. Wish them well on their wedding day! And what’s that again? Your photo subjects driving from afar into your awesome photo shoot? Amazing progress with your camera, really. Lovely shots! Congrats, Sweetie!


  8. You are truly gifted in taking pics of people. Those are fantastic! I really loved the last one with the water fountain.

    I really think you are going to do great at your own business.

    They looked so comfortable and obviously in love.


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