Why I Blog

Let me count thy ways……

Well, originally, it was to tell my side of the story.

I was accused of stealing children, and harming pets – per my future husband’s ex-wife’s blog. We discovered it completely by accident. The barbs hurt. I won’t lie. They were completely untrue, but I understood. She had her own way of dealing with grief. Despite filing to divorce to grasp her independence for the first time – when you have two young children – it’s a whole new world. It’s hard. There is a lot of growing pains.

But it created this blog engine-that-could in me. I got to tell my side of the Cooper Story. Regardless if she read it or not, it helped my grieving process and I can’t thank her enough for igniting my desire. So, I understand, and I have no hard feelings.

What started out as my love of writing, then morphed into a crazy camera obsession. All these great photographs in blogland, I couldn’t resist the siren call of the DSLR.

I discovered a wonderful support system of bloggers uniting to encourage and support each other. We danced in the car. We blogged for a cause. I met many in person and those meetings are precious to me – Lance, Peggy, Christy, and Peedee.

The beginning of one the hardest, most trying times in my life, has ended up being the richest experience in the world. I found my heaven and haven.

I blog to continue that enrichment. To reach boundaries, and cross them. To do and try things, I never thought I could do. I blog my life in hopes of inspiring yours. For better, or for worse. For love, and for life.

I know there are ups and downs. Times I want to quit. Times I can’t get enough. A hundred comments one day, eight the next. What joy would it be, if it’s not a thrilling ride? And thrilled I am, as I sprint to that next turn in the road of photography, writing, and marriage. All right here on my little blog that could – Living, Loving, Laughing.

That’s why I blog, why do you?

34 thoughts on “Why I Blog

  1. Your forgiving attitude is refreshing and keeps you going forward instead of looking back.

    Sure hope she removed those first posts, though.

    Was wonderful to get a little glimpse into what motivated you. šŸ™‚


    1. Heather-Thanks Heather, as you know, Cooper was very dear to me and I would never hurt her or put her in harm’s way. To be accused of murdering her was shocking beyond belief.

      I did ask her to remove, or at least, modify the wording, but she refused. Said it was how she felt at the time and didn’t want to discount her feelings. That her blog (on wordpress and public) is private and us reading it was at our own risk.

      As for stealing her children, they are still told I’m not their stepmom “yet”, and they will only have ONE real mom. I pray for her and the kids every day. I know hurt people hurt people and it’s okay. I hope she finds peace. I hope she knows, I am not out to harm her, but just love the girls and give them the best life possible.


  2. Lucky for us you started blogging!!!

    I blog because I wanted to share information regarding Nia and quality of life. I worked for a Physical Therapist briefly, we worked in facilities that were for older people and I saw some amazing stuff. I saw that people that used to move (play sports, exercise) and stopped—stopped. They couldn’t move and do things for themselves. I saw people that had moved all their lives, doing sports and gardening and whatever — and they were able to move still and take care of themselves. Even the people that started exercising later in life were able to do more. It scared me because I knew people in my life that couldn’t sit on the floor and get up off of it and move freely. I wanted to help encourage people and let them know it isn’t too late. I started moving late (in life) but I hope to keep moving.

    23 Days!!! YES!! Can’t wait!


    1. Terre-That’s GREAT! I love your reason and your dedication to help others live a free and healthy life. With my weight gain, it is hard to get up and down and around now. So, I totally get it. You are right. It’s never too late. Thank-you for sharing your story and your heart. Very inspirational!


  3. Wow, I can only imagine what would have come of a blog I might have started if I had started one as a result of my husband’s ex wife šŸ˜‰ Oh the possibilities!!

    I started blogging as a way to find myself and to heal my relationship with food and my body. It worked. And as a result, the blog I might start today in regards to my husband’s ex wife would be completely different than the one that I would have started “before.”


  4. I blog because I love to write and I often say it so much better, and funnier in writing. Since I’ve been blogging, I’ve started looking at things from the angle of Hmm, how can I blog about this and entertain myself and others. THis makes for less tension in my neck when I am standing in line aggravated, or something like that.


    1. sparkling-It does make the little things a lot more interesting. And the irritating things a lot more entertaining. šŸ˜€ That’s a great way to put it. I think writing for me is easier than talking too.


  5. Angelia, being along on this journey with you has been so, so good. What I find incredibly rewarding is in getting to know people from all over the world. And then…to meet in person…what a complete gift! Like YOU! What a wonderful honor to meet you!!

    Icing on the cake!! Cherry on the sundae!! The perfect song on the radio!! …awesome-ness!!!

    Blogging started as a way for me to just write. It has become so much more than that today…it has become about the relationships, and the meaning that brings to my life.

    It is a gift to know you…


    1. Lance-It’s hard for me to imagine you with just a writing blog. You so completely shine on to others, and touch their lives with your beam. You naturally encourage, and inspire just with your attitude. The best part about meeting you was seeing your family in person, and knowing, they too, share the same bounding joy, and so freely offer it to others. What a blessing! You know I’ll be back one day to the land of the cheese. šŸ˜€


  6. i am glad, that, because you are a blogger too (a much better one than I am), we met! It is always fun to read your stories and I am always honored you comment on my posts! Have a great weekend.

    BTW, how pathetic someone accused you for murdering Cooper. It must have been a nightmare you had to go through. This person does not have a heart and a brain.


    1. Ellen-Thanks Ellen. I am glad to have met you too. I think I’ve told you, I was almost a California girl permanently summer when I was thirteen. My love for all things California never ceased since then. Your blog of living, biking, working, and taking hiking trips fascinates me. If I couldn’t be an Okie girl living in Cali, then I’ll live vicariously through the Dutch girl in Cali. šŸ™‚ You truly are a joy to my heart.

      Believe me, if it wasn’t the girls mom, I’d probably say the same thing. I refuse to believe the mother of those children could be so heartless. I’ve said before – hurt people, hurt people. I pray for her heart and that she knows there is peace and a happy, deserving life when she is ready for it.


    1. Momma Diddy-Thanks Momma! You and your son are soooo cute. I am honored I would be an inspiration. I can promise you, my photography obsession is just warming up. If life continues on this path, I hope to launch a side business in October (or at least the start of one). šŸ™‚


      1. Momma Diddy

        Argh you are so kind and thank you for the comment. Keep your passion going! I would love to see more of your lovely photography soon… šŸ™‚


  7. Angelia, there is no way on earth that you would ever have to defend yourself against so absurd an attack from a person like that.

    The people who know you, read your blog, see your wonderful photos, can feel the love you have in your heart. That is what is most important in this life.

    You have more friends who love you than you will ever know!


    1. Judie-Thanks Judie, your words mean the world to me. That happened a long time ago. She didn’t know me. She mistook my genuine gestures as false. She lashed out. In the last years, I believe I have showed her, I am a true person and as much as I wanted to dislike her for what she said. I can’t do that to the girls. I love them too much. I believe one day, we will all be friends. She needs time to mature and learn that life is about giving and forgiving. Divorce is rabid animal.


  8. Even if it was to tell your side, we are sure glad that you started and continued.

    I have been blessed to have met you and hold dear our friendship.

    I started blogging so my family could see and hear what was going on in my life. Now I blog so that when I get old and forget everything, somebody else will have read it and remind me!


    1. Heather-Thank you Heather! I get such a joy out of your life and how you really focus on the details. Your camera enhanced your vision and allows us all to see your beautiful sight. I can’t believe all those great photos waiting to be taken were sitting on Sydney’s shelf for YEARS.

      I love that you will look back one day and relish your days. That is a terrific reason to blog and I am sure your family appreciates it.


    1. Amiable Amiable-Thank-you so much. Meeting and knowing through blogs, as a fellow freshly pressed(er) is an honor to me. We should all form a club or something. Only those that have experienced it know the highs and lows of being featured.

      You will not have to twist my arm to get THAT story. How to become camera obsessed blog coming soon. šŸ™‚


  9. I chuckled when I read your posting.. I know there was trauma and drama in your beginning that is not a laughing matter. I chuckled because blogging started out to be just a means of putting personal journals of prose on line in preparation to creating a book.

    Like you it has morphed as I found individuals of like mind and temperament. It changed as I grew in knowledge and kinship to others.

    I enjoy it. Simply enjoy it.

    Thank you for making it so pleasant.


  10. Angelia, you have such a winning attitude toward life and your kindness and warmth sparkle in every word you write. There is real joy in you and your life, and it’s a gracious gift that you share with others. Personally, I began blogging as a lark, a step down an unknown road. I had no expectations and no idea where it would lead. It was just fun to throw my aphorisms out there in cyberspace, and see where they would land. The richest thing has been all the wonderful people, like yourself, that I have met. That, more than anything else, has made it, and continues to make it, worthwhile.


  11. Oh I didn’t realize why you started… how horrible! His ex bashed me too… but thank goodness she’s not very tech savvy. lol

    You write for the same reasons I do… to express yourself… to connect. šŸ™‚


  12. I remember you saying before this was how you started and from this look at where you have gone, blogging is such a wonderful way to express ourselves and to meet good people like you.

    I began a blog several years ago that was basicly Civil War History and would throw out a post once in a while I called Just My Opinion to get something off my chest that may or may not be on the subject of my Blog, I enjoyed this so much because I didn’t have to stay on subject I began my Just My Opinion Blog which was renamed Jimmy’s Opinion which as you know is just that, I love talking about my friends and family and love the friends I have made who do the same thing I do for the same reasons.

    I have so appreciated the friendship you have shown me and look forward to many more posts from you, I know you are a wonderful step Mom/ Mom to those girls whether or not the papers have been signed as of yet, being a Mom is something you are doing a good job at as I can see and the stealing kids accusation was no more than hurtful words and you know the truth as well as do we, your friends.


  13. Tasneem R

    Great ! Every one of us have our own reasons for blogging .I started blogging last year and its been a lovely ride so far . There were days when I got hell lot of comments which were beyond my expectations and there were days when I got no comments! Blogging is way to share your experiences with the rest of the world . It’s a way to vent out your pent up feelings which you would have otherwise kept it to yourself.
    Now here’s a fun test which I strongly recommend you to take!
    The Blogging Test-What kind of blogger are you?


  14. runrettarun

    I started my blog b/c I wanted to inspire moms out there that they could get in shape. I loved reading other health blogs but they are in their 20s. I felt like if I could start in my 30s that anyone can do it. šŸ™‚

    You’re right. There are some days I want to quit. I said it this week. Then there are days I want to keep going. Bi-polar blogger over here. šŸ™‚


  15. I started blogging because I had pain that needed to be shared, and writing has always been a good way for me to heal. (I lost a baby and needed to “talk” my way through it)
    However, being a blogger has introduced me to so many picture crazy bloggers and has inspired me to be more confident in my ability to catch the shot, or at least try. Got my first SLR this week. Now I’m not just a blogger, but hope to be a photo blogger too. Scary! I keep coming over here not only for your words, but also because I love to see your pictures and get a fresh look on the world.


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