Don’t Give Up

And she is not. Sue is doing as well as can be expected. A few days after surgery, she got the breathing tube out and passed several neuro tests. She moved BOTH hands and legs, opened her eyes, and we were all very encouraged. She could answer in uh-huh, and nuh-huh. Although it wasn’t clear words, she did respond to I love you with the tone. They did warn she could get worse before better, and she did lessen her talking and moving the next day. We were prepared for that. At time of post they had put the breathing tube back in due to fluid build-up on her lungs. Again, this is normal in her type of recovery. If she can’t get deep enough breaths fluid could build up. The good thing is, she has top-notch care with the nurses micro-managing her. They have her comfortable and sedated so she is not in any pain. It is a long recovery road, but time is what she needs. The main thing is to NOT get pneumonia, so pray specifically for that.

Don’t give up was also the message at Jason’s brother’s Church this Sunday. We attended the service to watch the baptism of his youngest daughter. It is a theme I have stated quite often in the last few days and not always accomplished.

It started out as, “I can’t do this.” Do – being plan a wedding without Sue’s help. She had EVERYTHING and I do mean everything handled or planned. Locating that information is not possible since she can not communicate. Starting over? A very daunting task one week prior to the wedding and I do mean START ALL OVER. Food, cake, punch, and table linens. Did I mention we have 100 people coming?

As I dived deeper into it, I figured out even faster – I couldn’t do it. I wanted to cancel the wedding and say, “I give up.” I said this too many times to count and almost actualized it more times than I said it. There were LOTS of frustrated tears. On top of that, work is off the charts busy. I was there until 8pm on Friday night. When I finally get to Jason, he is laid up on the couch with a fever, chills, severe headache, and hard time breathing. It was awful.

He went to the doctor on Saturday and they gave him an antibiotics shot. I got a taste of being a real step-mom as I took the two little girls and Sydney with me everywhere. The bakery, the flower shop, and Hobby Lobby. They were such troopers and very, very good. Then we had to beat it over to the skating ring for one of Molly’s parties. Jason met us there and I dropped them off to do MORE shopping. Thank-you Hobby Lobby for the 50% bridal event sale. I think you saved me – literally.

I’d also like to mention Cooper St Bakery with a BIG thank-you. They took my order ONE WEEK prior to the wedding for both the Bride and Groom’s cake. I am amazed and thankful. The owner made sure we were taken care of. Tammy, I will highly recommend you guys for your efficiency and servitude.

And to my friend Karen, who loves cooking and planning, and eagerly agreed to do the food for the reception. Not only do it, but do an outstanding job, and happily. Thank-you Karen soooo much. You have been such a blessing to my life.

When I finally sat down this weekend, I made my fingers make 52 bows, 26 tulle, and 26 ribbon for pew markers. Now just to glue a pretty a flower and attach to pew holder – voila. And I just thought I wasn’t crafty.

My future step-brother is sewing hems on fabric for tablecloths. God love em’. He is sewing.

I got a speeding ticket this morning – oh, the irony.

Have I mentioned we still need our marriage license?

So glad, I have SIX MORE DAYS, because I really can’t take much more, but I’m NOT giving up.

The pastor ready to baptize my almost niece.

Molly and her cousin at the Church.

I love how children celebrate EVERY moment. They don’t worry. They don’t fret. They are not thinking of a hundred different things to get done, to do, or to not forget. They don’t think about who is sick, and who needs help. They just smile and laugh and play.

So I’m not giving up. I am going to do the best I can. I am not going to worry (much) and I am celebrating that we have today.

I am celebrating because, obviously, God has great plans for us.

23 thoughts on “Don’t Give Up

  1. I agree Don’t Give Up, everything will be just fine, not everything will go according to plan but the plan for a memorial wedding will come together.

    Sue is still in our prayers and it appears she is getting excellent care so the outcome will be good, I have faith.

    Six days left and you are almost there, just think this time next week will be the first day in the new chapter of your life with Jason.


  2. Just meditate on how good you’ll feel once you’re walking down that aisle. By that time, all the stress of making sure everything is done will be behind you. 🙂

    Don’t give up!!


  3. God’s got your back, Ang! Love is following you everywhere – right down to the officer who gave you a speeding ticket. It’s all going to be GREAT! You’re in my prayers.


  4. God indeed has great plans for you! I know this – you are such a shining light of love in this world, Angelia…

    Sending prayers for Sue…and for you as this week progresses…


  5. Donna

    I’m just so sorry and will be praying for each of you. Sue sounds like a fabulous woman. You are blessed to have her, and she is blessed to have you. It sounds like she is in the best place she can be, and she’s in Good Hands. God bless you all.


  6. Don’t give up, but you can give (and I know you’ve done this!) in to Him and letting Him take your burdes and all will fall into place. Can’t wait to see the pics and hear all about your beautiful wedding.


  7. Pingback: Tweets that mention Don’t Give Up « Living, Loving, Laughing….. --

  8. Oh, wow, Angelia–you sure do have everything coming at once. Remember when you said, ‘some things will go right, and some things will go wrong’? You weren’t kidding! What a blessing to have the children’s examples, though–as they celebrate life in the midst of the chaos.

    YOUR wedding stories will not be boring twenty years from now… 🙂


  9. I have been thinking non-stop about you and your family (to be) since yesterday when I first read the posts about Sue. I am praying for you all!!!!

    I wish I lived closer so that I could be there to help you. You can do this!! Just think in a few days you will be walking down that aisle, past the pew markers that YOU made, and you can give Jason the biggest smile of your life because together it is your day and you survived the chaos.


  10. Oh Angelia, I am praying for you and your family. Don’t give up because that will just — in my opinion — make things worse. Move forward into the love and light and joy!

    I can only imagine how difficult it is. I can imagine you are just an emotional whirlwind. But I believe that if you can focus on the love and the joy they will help get you through this. No, it won’t be easy, but I believe they are strong and they will help.

    Galatians 5:22-23

    But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.

    I think there is a reason that Love and Joy are listed first.

    1 Timothy 1:7 says, “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”

    Love. Love has power and you and Jason (and all the family) have that power, Baby, so use it!


  11. Sandy

    Oh sweetie, I wish I could travel 😦 I’d be out there helping you in a heartbeat. I’m praying that you and Jason will be a peace and have a joyful heart on the day that the Lord joins you as one. I love you sweetie and all will be fine. Keep the faith and give it all to the Lord. Praying for you all and I know it will just be lovely. Hugs to all, Sandy


  12. You are so fortunate to have such wonderful friends step forward and help. I understand completely after my daughter’s wedding. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other and keep smiling that beautiful smile!


  13. Wow! You are like a chicken with your head cut off. So busy. I’m so glad you have found the kindness of strangers amidst it all. Except for whoever gave you the ticket. Screw them.


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